Country vs country: Economy Stats: compare key data on Italy & United Kingdom and Economy Stats: compare key data on Italy & United Kingdom compared Economy

STAT Italy United Kingdom HISTORY
Budget > Revenues $964.30 billion
Ranked 7th.
$986.10 billion
Ranked 6th. 2% more than Italy

Budget surplus > + or deficit > - -2.9% of GDP
Ranked 98th.
-8.2% of GDP
Ranked 163th. 3 times more than Italy

Debt > Government debt > Public debt, share of GDP 126.1 CIA
Ranked 8th. 40% more than United Kingdom
90 CIA
Ranked 17th.
Overview Italy has a diversified industrial economy, which is divided into a developed industrial north, dominated by private companies, and a less-developed, highly subsidized, agricultural south, where unemployment is high. The Italian economy is driven in large part by the manufacture of high-quality consumer goods produced by small and medium-sized enterprises, many of them family-owned. Italy also has a sizable underground economy, which by some estimates accounts for as much as 17% of GDP. These activities are most common within the agriculture, construction, and service sectors. Italy is the third-largest economy in the euro-zone, but its exceptionally high public debt and structural impediments to growth have rendered it vulnerable to scrutiny by financial markets. Public debt has increased steadily since 2007, topping 126% of GDP in 2012, and investor concerns about the broader euro-zone crisis at times have caused borrowing costs on sovereign government debt to rise to euro-era records. During the second half of 2011 the government passed three austerity packages to reduce its budget deficit and help bring down borrowing costs. These measures included a hike in the value-added tax, pension reforms, and cuts to public administration. The government also faces pressure from investors and European partners to sustain its recent efforts to address Italy's long-standing structural impediments to growth, such as labor market inefficiencies and widespread tax evasion. In 2012 economic growth and labor market conditions deteriorated, with growth at -2.3% and unemployment rising to nearly 11%, with youth unemployment around 35%. The government has undertaken several reform initiatives designed to increase long-term economic growth. Italy's GDP is now 7% below its 2007 pre-crisis level. The UK, a leading trading power and financial center, is the second largest economy in Europe after Germany. Over the past two decades, the government has greatly reduced public ownership and contained the growth of social welfare programs. Agriculture is intensive, highly mechanized, and efficient by European standards, producing about 60% of food needs with less than 2% of the labor force. The UK has large coal, natural gas, and oil resources, but its oil and natural gas reserves are declining and the UK became a net importer of energy in 2005. Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance. After emerging from recession in 1992, Britain's economy enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record during which time growth outpaced most of Western Europe. In 2008, however, the global financial crisis hit the economy particularly hard, due to the importance of its financial sector. Sharply declining home prices, high consumer debt, and the global economic slowdown compounded Britain's economic problems, pushing the economy into recession in the latter half of 2008 and prompting the then BROWN (Labour) government to implement a number of measures to stimulate the economy and stabilize the financial markets; these include nationalizing parts of the banking system, temporarily cutting taxes, suspending public sector borrowing rules, and moving forward public spending on capital projects. Facing burgeoning public deficits and debt levels, in 2010 the CAMERON-led coalition government (between Conservatives and Liberal Democrats) initiated a five-year austerity program, which aimed to lower London's budget deficit from over 10% of GDP in 2010 to nearly 1% by 2015. In November 2011, Chancellor of the Exchequer George OSBORNE announced additional austerity measures through 2017 because of slower-than-expected economic growth and the impact of the euro-zone debt crisis. The CAMERON government raised the value added tax from 17.5% to 20% in 2011. It has pledged to reduce the corporation tax rate to 21% by 2014. The Bank of England (BoE) implemented an asset purchase program of up to £375 billion (approximately $605 billion) as of December 2012. During times of economic crisis, the BoE coordinates interest rate moves with the European Central Bank, but Britain remains outside the European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). In 2012, weak consumer spending and subdued business investment weighed on the economy. GDP fell 0.1%, and the budget deficit remained stubbornly high at 7.7% of GDP. Public debt continued to increase.
Exports $478.90 billion
Ranked 9th. 1% more than United Kingdom
$473.00 billion
Ranked 10th.

GDP $2.01 trillion
Ranked 10th.
$2.44 trillion
Ranked 7th. 21% more than Italy

GDP > Per capita $29,393.12 per capita
Ranked 9th.
$35,046.59 per capita
Ranked 21st. 19% more than Italy

GDP > Per capita > PPP $29,800.00
Ranked 30th.
Ranked 21st. 23% more than Italy

GDP > Purchasing power parity per capita $29,462.64
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 21st. 19% more than Italy

GDP per capita $33,048.75
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 21st. 17% more than Italy

Gross National Income $1.12 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$1.48 trillion
Ranked 4th. 32% more than Italy
Inflation rate > Consumer prices 3.3%
Ranked 112th. 18% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 126th.

Population below poverty line 19.6%
Ranked 20th. 40% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 18th.

Public debt 126.9% of GDP
Ranked 7th. 43% more than United Kingdom
88.7% of GDP
Ranked 19th.

Unemployment rate 10.7%
Ranked 39th. 34% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 51st.

GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Services 73.8%
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 19th. 6% more than Italy
Exports per capita $7,861.39
Ranked 39th. 5% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 41st.

Distribution of family income > Gini index 31.9
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 1st. 25% more than Italy

Human Development Index 0.934
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 15th. 1% more than Italy
Tourist arrivals > Per capita 734.95 per 1,000 people
Ranked 42nd. 49% more than United Kingdom
494.59 per 1,000 people
Ranked 64th.

GDP > Purchasing power parity $1.81 trillion
Ranked 10th.
$2.31 trillion
Ranked 8th. 28% more than Italy

Currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio 1.05
Ranked 21st.
Ranked 18th. 5% more than Italy

Fiscal year calendar year 6
GDP > Composition by sector > Industry 23.9%
Ranked 128th. 13% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 146th.

Currency > Official exchange rate > LCU per US$, period average $1,736.21
Ranked 11th. 2743 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 162nd.

Inequality > GINI index 36.03
Ranked 20th. About the same as United Kingdom
Ranked 16th.
Imports per capita $7,444.44
Ranked 46th.
Ranked 34th. 37% more than Italy

Gross National Income per capita $19,656.98
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 9th. 27% more than Italy
Tax > Highest marginal tax rate > Individual rate 43%
Ranked 15th. 8% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 23th.

Technology index 4.08
Ranked 49th.
Ranked 17th. 21% more than Italy
Development > Human Development Index 0.881
Ranked 25th. 1% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 26th.

GDP > Per capita > PPP per thousand people $0.49
Ranked 114th.
Ranked 109th. 18% more than Italy

Exports > Commodities engineering products, textiles and clothing, production machinery, motor vehicles, transport equipment, chemicals; food, beverages and tobacco; minerals, nonferrous metals manufactured goods, fuels, chemicals; food, beverages, tobacco
Poverty and inequality > Richest quintile to poorest quintile ratio 6.5
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 2nd. 11% more than Italy
Imports $453.50 billion
Ranked 12th.
$643.50 billion
Ranked 5th. 42% more than Italy

Budget > Expenditures $1.02 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$1.19 trillion
Ranked 6th. 16% more than Italy

GINI index 36.03
Ranked 20th. About the same as United Kingdom
Ranked 14th.
Reserves of foreign exchange and gold per capita $1,588.71
Ranked 36th. 69% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 58th.

Debt > Net foreign assets > Current LCU -31,765,158,209.106
Ranked 160th.
180.31 billion
Ranked 76th.

Tourist arrivals 42.73 million
Ranked 6th. 42% more than United Kingdom
30.14 million
Ranked 7th.

Budget > Revenues > Per capita $15,509.73 per capita
Ranked 4th.
$18,987.68 per capita
Ranked 15th. 22% more than Italy

Inbound tourism income > Current US$ $48.79 billion
Ranked 6th. 8% more than United Kingdom
$45.34 billion
Ranked 7th.

Tax > Tax rates 37.6
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 18th. 2% more than Italy

GDP per person 35,083.65
Ranked 23th.
Ranked 22nd. About the same as Italy

Exports > Main exports Machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, clothes, wine Manufactured goods, chemicals, foodstuffs
Budget > Revenues per capita $15,546.42
Ranked 14th. 4% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 17th.

Debt > External $2.49 trillion
Ranked 7th.
$10.09 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Italy

Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita 6,272.72$
Ranked 19th. 33% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 21st.

Central bank discount rate 1.5%
Ranked 42nd. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 49th.

Debt > External > Per capita $40,328.31 per capita
Ranked 14th.
$171,942.20 per capita
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Italy

GDP > Composition by sector > Services 74.1%
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 20th. 6% more than Italy

Tax > GDP > Constant LCU 1.39 trillion
Ranked 60th. 6% more than United Kingdom
1.31 trillion
Ranked 62nd.

Tourism > International tourism, number of arrivals per capita 0.759
Ranked 55th. 63% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 75th.

International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 21.71$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 73th. 21% more than United Kingdom
18$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 77th.

Consumer spending 59.93
Ranked 80th.
Ranked 66th. 9% more than Italy

Consumer price index 112.71%
Ranked 112th.
Ranked 111th. The same as Italy

GDP > Composition by sector > Agriculture 2%
Ranked 175th. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 204th.

GDP per capita > PPP > Current international $ 28,529.09 PPP $
Ranked 22nd.
33,238.21 PPP $
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

Industries tourism, machinery, iron and steel, chemicals, food processing, textiles, motor vehicles, clothing, footwear, ceramics machine tools, electric power equipment, automation equipment, railroad equipment, shipbuilding, aircraft, motor vehicles and parts, electronics and communications equipment, metals, chemicals, coal, petroleum, paper and paper products, food processing, textiles, clothing, other consumer goods
GDP > Composition, by end use > Imports of goods and services -29.1%
Ranked 33th.
Ranked 52nd. 16% more than Italy
New businesses registered > Number > Per capita 1.33 per 1,000 people
Ranked 27th.
7.4 per 1,000 people
Ranked 3rd. 6 times more than Italy

GDP per capita > Constant LCU 20979.87 17772.08
Balance of payments > Capital and financial account > Foreign direct investment > Net inflows > BoP > Current US $28.98 billion
Ranked 10th. 17% more than United Kingdom
$24.80 billion
Ranked 14th.

Labor force 25
Ranked 90th.
Ranked 83th. 28% more than Italy

Trade > With US > US imports of bauxite and aluminum 10,131
Ranked 34th.
Ranked 22nd. 3 times more than Italy
GDP > Real growth rate -2.4%
Ranked 185th.
Ranked 152nd.

Debt > Government debt > Gross government debt, share of GDP 126.98 IMF
Ranked 5th. 41% more than United Kingdom
90.31 IMF
Ranked 16th.
Debt > Central government debt, total > Current LCU 1.75 trillion
Ranked 16th. 14% more than United Kingdom
1.53 trillion
Ranked 17th.

International tourism > Number of arrivals 36.51 million
Ranked 5th. 22% more than United Kingdom
29.97 million
Ranked 6th.

Economic growth > Per capita -5.65
Ranked 138th. 1% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 137th.

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ per capita -360.515 BoP $
Ranked 124th.
917.67 BoP $
Ranked 9th.

GDP per capita > Constant 2000 US$ 19,329.16 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 24th.
26,890.73 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 11th. 39% more than Italy

GDP in 1970 $107.70
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 5th. 15% more than Italy
Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number > Per capita 77.88 per 1,000 people
Ranked 1st. 6% more than United Kingdom
73.79 per 1,000 people
Ranked 4th.
Economic freedom 60.6
Ranked 83th.
Ranked 14th. 23% more than Italy

GDP > Official exchange rate per capita $33,678.67
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 21st. 8% more than Italy

Stock of direct foreign investment > At home $457.80 billion
Ranked 18th.
$1.32 trillion
Ranked 4th. 3 times more than Italy

Current account balance $-15,210,000,000.00
Ranked 169th.
Ranked 179th. 6 times more than Italy

Agriculture > Products fruits, vegetables, grapes, potatoes, sugar beets, soybeans, grain, olives; beef, dairy products; fish cereals, oilseed, potatoes, vegetables; cattle, sheep, poultry; fish
Trade > Imports per capita $7,600.43
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 27th. 15% more than Italy

Currency euro British pound
Current account balance > BoP > Current US$ per capita -473.049 BoP $
Ranked 105th.
-821.241 BoP $
Ranked 112th. 74% more than Italy

GNI per capita $35,320.00
Ranked 1st.
Ranked 24th. 7% more than Italy
GDP > Purchasing power parity > Per capita $29,393.12 per capita
Ranked 9th.
$35,046.59 per capita
Ranked 21st. 19% more than Italy

Companies > Listed domestic companies, total 279
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 8th. 8 times more than Italy

Trade > Exports per capita $7,578.94
Ranked 33th. 16% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 38th.

Business > Companies > Corporate governance (overall rating) 5.25
Ranked 14th.
Ranked 1st. 45% more than Italy
Current account balance per capita 0.0
Ranked 119th.
Ranked 109th.

Tourism > International tourism, number of arrivals 46.12 million
Ranked 6th. 57% more than United Kingdom
29.31 million
Ranked 8th.

Gross national saving 17.2% of GDP
Ranked 92nd. 56% more than United Kingdom
11% of GDP
Ranked 121st.

Tax > GDP > Constant LCU per capita 22,801.86
Ranked 109th. 10% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 113th.

Retail > Gross value added by wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels 270.45 billion
Ranked 9th.
360.77 billion
Ranked 4th. 33% more than Italy

Companies > Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ per capita $7,886.88
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 11th. 6 times more than Italy

Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ per capita 13,618.96$
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 9th. 4 times more than Italy

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ per capita 17,698.86$
Ranked 13th.
Ranked 4th. 35% more than Italy

Budget > Expenditures per capita $17,227.87
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 13th. 8% more than Italy

Reserves > Total reserves > Includes gold, current US$ $181.67 billion
Ranked 15th. 73% more than United Kingdom
$105.19 billion
Ranked 23th.

Stock of broad money None None
Exchange rates euros (EUR) per US dollar -<br />0.78 (2012 est.)<br />0.72 (2011 est.)<br />0.76 (2010 est.)<br />0.72 (2009 est.)<br />0.68 (2008 est.) British pounds (GBP) per US dollar -<br />0.63 (2012 est.)<br />0.62 (2011 est.)<br />0.65 (2010 est.)<br />0.62 (2009)<br />0.53 (2008)
Debt > External per capita $39,494.54
Ranked 14th.
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Italy

Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 0.206$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 79th. 24% more than United Kingdom
0.166$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 125th.

Exports > Partners Germany 12.8%, France 11.3%, US 6.6%, Switzerland 5.8%, UK 5%, Spain 4.8% Germany 11.3%, US 10.5%, Netherlands 8.8%, France 7.4%, Ireland 6.2%, Belgium 5.1%
GDP > Official exchange rate $1.99 trillion
Ranked 9th.
$2.44 trillion
Ranked 6th. 23% more than Italy

GDP per capita > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ 25,381.09 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 22nd.
29,570.6 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

Investment > Gross fixed 18.2% of GDP
Ranked 114th. 31% more than United Kingdom
13.9% of GDP
Ranked 136th.

Interest rate spread > Lending rate minus deposit rate 4.88%
Ranked 99th. 79% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 130th.

Income receipts > BoP > Current US$ per capita 1,046.93 BoP $
Ranked 26th.
5,642.01 BoP $
Ranked 7th. 5 times more than Italy

Tax > Highest marginal tax rate > Corporate rate 31.4%
Ranked 27th. 12% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 48th.

Stock of narrow money None None
GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Industry 24.2%
Ranked 126th. 16% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 152nd.
Debt > Net domestic credit > Current LCU 2.62 trillion
Ranked 40th.
3.24 trillion
Ranked 36th. 23% more than Italy

Trade > Exports > Exports of goods and services > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $8,451.00
Ranked 27th.
Ranked 23th. 32% more than Italy

Government spending 235.14 billion
Ranked 8th.
333.79 billion
Ranked 7th. 42% more than Italy

Net current transfers from abroad > Constant LCU -8540961000 -10125320000
Foreign direct investment > Net inflows > BoP > Current US$ per capita 334.18 BoP $
Ranked 39th.
2,636.82 BoP $
Ranked 7th. 8 times more than Italy

GDP > Current LCU 1417241000000 1209334000000
High-technology > Exports > Current US$ > Per capita $512,752.87 per 1,000 people
Ranked 28th.
$1.01 million per 1,000 people
Ranked 20th. 98% more than Italy

GDP > Composition, by sector of origin > Agriculture 2%
Ranked 176th. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 208th.
Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita $6,297.29
Ranked 27th. 28% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 31st.

Net barter terms of trade 101.04%
Ranked 16th.
Ranked 9th. 4% more than Italy

Tax > Tax payments > Number 15
Ranked 127th. 88% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 162nd.

Tax > Components of taxation > Personal income tax 25.5%
Ranked 15th.
Ranked 11th. 17% more than Italy
Real interest rate 3.17%
Ranked 85th. 21% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 88th.

Royalty and license fees > Receipts > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 641.61 BoP $ per $1 million of
Ranked 33th.
6,050.1 BoP $ per $1 million of
Ranked 9th. 9 times more than Italy

Gross domestic savings 391.12 billion
Ranked 8th. 60% more than United Kingdom
244.27 billion
Ranked 13th.

Inflation 108.27
Ranked 150th.
Ranked 134th. 3% more than Italy

Investment > External financial assets per capita €60,472.69
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 11th. 46% more than Italy

Outbound tourist spending 37.73 billion
Ranked 8th.
84.22 billion
Ranked 4th. 2 times more than Italy

Income > GNI, PPP > Current international $ per capita $32,917.37
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 16th. 13% more than Italy

Income > GNI per capita, PPP > Current international $ $32,920.00
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 16th. 13% more than Italy

Inequality > Gini coefficient > Level 0.352 Different summary measure
Ranked 6th. 5% more than United Kingdom
0.335 Different summary measure
Ranked 8th.
Tax > Total tax wedge > Single worker 46.2%
Ranked 6th. 56% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 22nd.
Poverty > Poverty by individual and household characteristics > Poverty rate > Children 15.5%
Ranked 9th. 54% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 20th.
GDP > By type of expenditure > Household consumption expenditure per capita 20,114.61
Ranked 29th.
Ranked 15th. 28% more than Italy

Reserves of foreign exchange and gold $181.70 billion
Ranked 15th. 73% more than United Kingdom
$105.10 billion
Ranked 24th.

Size of economy > GDP > GDP growth -2.369%
Ranked 172nd.
Ranked 148th.

GDP > Constant 2000 US$ 1.13 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 7th.
1.62 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 5th. 43% more than Italy

Tax > Highest marginal tax rate > Individual > On income exceeding > US$ $100,334.00
Ranked 16th. 52% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 27th.

International tourism > Expenditures > Current US$ per capita 451.46$
Ranked 25th.
Ranked 12th. 3 times more than Italy

Purchasing power parity conversion factor > LCU per international $ 0.85 0.6
Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number 4.49 million
Ranked 1st. 2% more than United Kingdom
4.42 million
Ranked 3rd.
GDP > Composition, by end use > Household consumption 60.4%
Ranked 111th.
Ranked 89th. 9% more than Italy
Poverty and inequality > Income inequality 1993-2011 36.03 latest available
Ranked 8th. About the same as United Kingdom
35.97 latest available
Ranked 10th.
Current transfers > Receipts > BoP > Current US$ 24.38 billion BoP $
Ranked 4th.
29.84 billion BoP $
Ranked 1st. 22% more than Italy

Innovation > Patent applications, residents per million 144.82
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 10th. 69% more than Italy

Tax > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > Current LCU 191.97 billion
Ranked 34th.
199.9 billion
Ranked 33th. 4% more than Italy

Debt > Net current transfers from abroad > Current LCU -15,862,300,000
Ranked 116th.
Ranked 118th. 30% more than Italy

Debt > Government debt > Net government debt, share of GDP 103.21 IMF
Ranked 6th. 25% more than United Kingdom
82.78 IMF
Ranked 13th.
Saving rate 15.98
Ranked 70th. 31% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 85th.

GDP > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ per capita 25,381.1 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 23th.
29,571.68 PPP 2000 $
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

International tourism > Number of departures 23.35 million
Ranked 9th.
66.49 million
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Italy

Economic aid > Donor $3.64 billion
Ranked 10th.
$12.46 billion
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Italy
Consumption > Consumption by sector > Equals: Household final consumption expenditure 1.32 trillion USD
Ranked 5th.
1.65 trillion USD
Ranked 3rd. 25% more than Italy

Debt > Central government debt, total > Current LCU per capita 28,825.18
Ranked 26th. 18% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 30th.

Net income > BoP > Current US$ > Per capita -291,403.167 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 107th.
910,125.61 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 5th.

GDP > CIA Factbook $1.55 trillion
Ranked 8th.
$1.67 trillion
Ranked 6th. 7% more than Italy

Poverty and inequality > Poorest's share in national income or consumption 6.5%
Ranked 24th. 6% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 14th.
Investment > External financial assets €3.72 trillion
Ranked 7th.
€5.61 trillion
Ranked 4th. 51% more than Italy

Debt > Net foreign assets > Current LCU per capita -521.441
Ranked 158th.
Ranked 119th.

Tax > GDP > Current LCU 1.57 trillion
Ranked 75th. About the same as United Kingdom
1.56 trillion
Ranked 76th.

Taxes > Total tax revenue > Total tax revenue 43.31%
Ranked 6th. 18% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 14th.
GDP > PPP per capita $27,870.45
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 13th. 10% more than Italy
GDP in 1970 per million $2.00
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 16th. 11% more than Italy
GNI 2.08 trillion
Ranked 8th.
2.22 trillion
Ranked 7th. 7% more than Italy

Development > Human Development Index > Inequality adjusted 0.776
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 19th. 3% more than Italy
GDP > PPP $1.62 trillion
Ranked 8th.
$1.83 trillion
Ranked 6th. 13% more than Italy
Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ 798.17 billion$
Ranked 11th.
3.06 trillion$
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Italy

Companies > Listed domestic companies, total per million 4.58
Ranked 72nd.
Ranked 25th. 8 times more than Italy

Tax > GDP > Current US$ per capita $33,071.84
Ranked 25th.
Ranked 22nd. 18% more than Italy

Trade > Exports to US $6.10 billion
Ranked 10th.
$10.17 billion
Ranked 6th. 67% more than Italy
Industrial production growth rate -4.1%
Ranked 158th. 2% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 157th.

Purchasing power parity > GDP per capita > PPP > Current international $ $31,908.63
Ranked 23th.
Ranked 16th. 14% more than Italy

World trade > Exports 506.41 billion
Ranked 9th.
601.63 billion
Ranked 7th. 19% more than Italy

Labor force > By occupation > Agriculture 3.9%
Ranked 152nd. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 176th.

Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Europe 31.57 million
Ranked 3rd. 45% more than United Kingdom
21.74 million
Ranked 4th.

Bank capital to assets ratio 7.3%
Ranked 57th.
Ranked 48th. 16% more than Italy

Labor force > By occupation > Services 67.8%
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 1st. 19% more than Italy
Companies > Stock market > Stocks traded, total value > Current US$ per capita $12,470.42
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 6th. 3 times more than Italy

Lending interest rate 5.31%
Ranked 130th. 14% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 133th.

Industrial > Production growth rate 0.5%
Ranked 137th.
Ranked 123th. 4 times more than Italy

Tax > Taxes on income, profits and capital gains > Current LCU per capita 3,161.46
Ranked 54th.
Ranked 53th. 1% more than Italy

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure per capita > Constant 2000 US$ $16,802.97
Ranked 21st.
Ranked 6th. 44% more than Italy

Tax > GDP per capita > Constant LCU 22,801.86
Ranked 109th. 10% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 113th.

Income > GDP per capita, PPP > Current international $ $33,133.65
Ranked 26th.
Ranked 22nd. 13% more than Italy

Technological achievement 0.47
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 7th. 30% more than Italy
Business > Companies > Specific companies > IKEA > Debut 1,989
Ranked 29th. About the same as United Kingdom
Ranked 30th.

Currency > Real effective exchange rate index > 2005 = 100 97.59
Ranked 66th. 9% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 89th.

Net domestic credit > Current LCU 1543123000000 2032084000000
International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ per capita 652.89$
Ranked 32nd.
Ranked 31st. 1% more than Italy

Retail > Gross value added by wholesale, retail trade, restaurants and hotels per capita 4,439.65
Ranked 36th.
Ranked 25th. 29% more than Italy

GDP > By type of expenditure > Household consumption expenditure 1.23 trillion
Ranked 7th.
1.63 trillion
Ranked 4th. 33% more than Italy

Household spending per capita 11,320.31
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 6th. 62% more than Italy

Commercial bank prime lending rate 5.22%
Ranked 152nd. 24% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 160th.

Companies > Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ $480.45 billion
Ranked 21st.
$3.02 trillion
Ranked 5th. 6 times more than Italy

Current account balance > BoP > Current US$ -27,724,030,000 BoP $
Ranked 132nd.
-49,458,680,000 BoP $
Ranked 135th. 78% more than Italy

Trade > Imports $459.70 billion
Ranked 7th.
$546.50 billion
Ranked 6th. 19% more than Italy

Currency > Real effective exchange rate index 110.95%
Ranked 31st. 10% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 54th.

Currency > Official exchange rate > LCU per US$ > Period average 0.8 0.54
GDP > CIA Factbook per capita $26,907.55
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 16th. 4% more than Italy

Oil > Exports 529,100 bbl/day
Ranked 26th.
1.31 million bbl/day
Ranked 19th. 2 times more than Italy

GDP > Composition, by end use > Exports of goods and services 30.2%
Ranked 121st.
Ranked 116th. 5% more than Italy
Purchasing power parity > GNI per capita > PPP > Current international $ $31,360.00
Ranked 21st.
Ranked 12th. 19% more than Italy

Income > Health expenditure per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $3,129.54
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 16th. 6% more than Italy

Consumption > Consumption by sector > Equals: Household final consumption expenditure per capita 21,691.62 USD
Ranked 15th.
26,057.87 USD
Ranked 9th. 20% more than Italy

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure > Current US$ per capita $20,127.38
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 11th. 28% more than Italy

Tax > GDP > Current LCU per capita 25,723.28
Ranked 126th. 4% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 129th.

Debt > Strength of legal rights index > 0=weak to 10=strong per million 0.0492
Ranked 174th.
Ranked 147th. 3 times more than Italy

Oil > Production 151,800 bbl/day
Ranked 44th.
1.39 million bbl/day
Ranked 20th. 9 times more than Italy

Economy growth -5.04
Ranked 138th. 2% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 136th.

Trade > Exports > Exports of goods and services 608.35 billion
Ranked 8th.
780.14 billion
Ranked 4th. 28% more than Italy

Purchasing power parity > Gross domestic product per capita > PPP 26,577.57
Ranked 25th.
Ranked 18th. 21% more than Italy

Trade > Export value index 113.76%
Ranked 26th.
Ranked 24th. 2% more than Italy

Debt > Interest payments > Current LCU 72.82 billion
Ranked 29th. 49% more than United Kingdom
48.91 billion
Ranked 32nd.

Innovation 23.3
Ranked 20th.
Ranked 4th. 16% more than Italy
Electricity > Consumption per capita 5,256.37 kWh
Ranked 36th.
5,614.6 kWh
Ranked 31st. 7% more than Italy

Market capitalization of listed companies > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 452.86$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 45th.
1,390.85$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 13th. 3 times more than Italy

GDP > CIA Factbook > Per capita $26,907.55 per capita
Ranked 20th.
$27,961.52 per capita
Ranked 16th. 4% more than Italy

Household spending 681.72 billion
Ranked 8th.
1.13 trillion
Ranked 5th. 66% more than Italy

Income > Household final consumption expenditure, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ per capita $14,858.42
Ranked 23th.
Ranked 7th. 37% more than Italy

GDP > Composition, by end use > Government consumption 20.5%
Ranked 41st.
Ranked 28th. 6% more than Italy
GDP > Per $ GDP $29,393.12 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 9th.
$35,046.59 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 21st. 19% more than Italy

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure, etc. > Current US$ $1.23 trillion
Ranked 9th.
$1.62 trillion
Ranked 6th. 32% more than Italy

Entrepreneurship > Starting a Business > Index ranking 45
Ranked 110th. 5 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 146th.
Gross domestic savings > Current US$ 367.63 billion$
Ranked 4th. 29% more than United Kingdom
284.42 billion$
Ranked 5th.

GDP > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 19,329.16 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 24th.
26,891.7 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 11th. 39% more than Italy

GNI > Current US$ per capita 29,975.15$
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 10th. 24% more than Italy

Gross Domestic Product > GDP > Size of GDP > GDP per capita $30,381.22 US dollars, current price
Ranked 20th.
$35,668.88 US dollars, current price
Ranked 13th. 17% more than Italy
Trade > Exports $458.40 billion
Ranked 7th. 13% more than United Kingdom
$405.60 billion
Ranked 10th.

Purchasing power parity > GDP > PPP > Current international $ $1.92 trillion
Ranked 11th.
$2.26 trillion
Ranked 8th. 17% more than Italy

Public expenditure > Social expenditure > Public social expenditure 25%
Ranked 8th. 17% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 13th.
Entrepreneurship > Hiring and Firing > Index ranking 138
Ranked 17th. 9 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 139th.
Income > GDP, PPP > Current international $ per capita $33,133.65
Ranked 26th.
Ranked 22nd. 13% more than Italy

Total > Reserves in months of imports 1.46
Ranked 111th. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 127th.

Imports > Commodities engineering products, chemicals, transport equipment, energy products, minerals and nonferrous metals, textiles and clothing; food, beverages, and tobacco manufactured goods, machinery, fuels; foodstuffs
Debt > Banks > Automated teller machines > ATMs > Per 100,000 adults 97.11
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 9th. 28% more than Italy

Business > Companies > Specific companies > Apple Stores 14
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Italy
Inflation > Consumer price index > 2005 = 100 116.36
Ranked 158th.
Ranked 124th. 6% more than Italy

Gross domestic savings > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 208.58$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 54th. 61% more than United Kingdom
129.35$ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 89th.

GDP > Constant LCU 1229568000000 1070350000000
Poverty and inequality > Inequality adjusted income index 0.673
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 18th. 5% more than Italy
Trade > Export growth 5.03
Ranked 76th.
Ranked 111th.

Welfare > Social contributions > Current LCU 214.95 billion
Ranked 19th. 75% more than United Kingdom
123.04 billion
Ranked 25th.

Welfare > Revenue, excluding grants > Current LCU 593.7 billion
Ranked 38th. 6% more than United Kingdom
558.34 billion
Ranked 40th.

Labor force per thousand people 0.000407
Ranked 156th.
Ranked 108th. 24% more than Italy

Business > Companies > Specific companies > Carrefour > First store 1,993
Ranked 11th. 1% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 16th.
Business efficiency 45.82
Ranked 44th.
Ranked 20th. 50% more than Italy
Trade > Imports > Imports of goods and services 585.65 billion
Ranked 9th.
834.86 billion
Ranked 4th. 43% more than Italy

Debt > Government debt > Net government debt, share of GDP per million people 1.68 IMF
Ranked 53th. 29% more than United Kingdom
1.31 IMF
Ranked 57th.
GDP > Median household income (PPP) $24,504.00
Ranked 33th.
Ranked 21st. 57% more than Italy
Household final > Consumption expenditure per capita > Constant 2000 US$ 11,504.4 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 14th.
18,129.09 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 3rd. 58% more than Italy

Public institution index 4.64
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 7th. 34% more than Italy
GNI > Atlas method > Current US$ per capita 30,251.35$
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 10th. 25% more than Italy

Income > GDP, PPP > Current international $ $2.02 trillion
Ranked 12th.
$2.37 trillion
Ranked 9th. 17% more than Italy

Income > Household final consumption expenditure, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $905.14 billion
Ranked 12th.
$1.29 trillion
Ranked 8th. 42% more than Italy

Income > GNI, PPP > Current international $ $2.01 trillion
Ranked 11th.
$2.36 trillion
Ranked 9th. 18% more than Italy

Currency > Monetary unit 1 euro = 100 cents 1 pound sterling = 100 pence
Budget > Expenditures > Per $ GDP $0.50 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 11th. 10% more than United Kingdom
$0.46 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 22nd.

Aid > Untied given per million people $14.24 million
Ranked 20th.
$49.39 million
Ranked 17th. 3 times more than Italy

Taxes and other revenues 48.5% of GDP
Ranked 13th. 20% more than United Kingdom
40.4% of GDP
Ranked 37th.

Patents granted 13 per million people
Ranked 41st.
82 per million people
Ranked 18th. 6 times more than Italy
Balance of payments > Current account > Goods > Services and income > Exports > Goods and services > Current U $509.80 billion
Ranked 9th.
$588.60 billion
Ranked 7th. 15% more than Italy

Balance of payments > Financial > Reserves -9,002,780,104.71
Ranked 128th.
Ranked 130th. 6% more than Italy

Balance of payments > Current account > Balances > Current account balance > Current US$ $-66,198,814,996.28
Ranked 141st. 2 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 136th.

Foreign direct investment > FDI > FDI flows and stocks > Inward FDI stocks $294,877.00 Million US dollars
Ranked 8th.
$1.13 million Million US dollars
Ranked 2nd. 4 times more than Italy
Oil > Proved reserves 476.5 million bbl
Ranked 47th.
2.86 billion bbl
Ranked 29th. 6 times more than Italy

Companies > Ease of doing business index > 1=most business-friendly regulations 65
Ranked 124th. 7 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 179th.

Natural gas > Production 8.3 billion cu m
Ranked 23th.
56.3 billion cu m
Ranked 13th. 7 times more than Italy

GDP deflator 115.26
Ranked 138th. 2% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 142nd.

New businesses registered > Number 77,587
Ranked 8th.
Ranked 2nd. 6 times more than Italy

Oil > Consumption 1.53 million bbl/day
Ranked 15th.
1.62 million bbl/day
Ranked 14th. 6% more than Italy

Tourism > International tourism, receipts > Current US$ $45.37 billion
Ranked 8th.
$45.94 billion
Ranked 7th. 1% more than Italy

Electricity > Consumption 314.5 billion kWh
Ranked 10th.
344.7 billion kWh
Ranked 9th. 10% more than Italy

Spending > Final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $22,625.83
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 8th. 43% more than Italy

Tax > GDP > Current US$ $2.01 trillion
Ranked 10th.
$2.47 trillion
Ranked 7th. 23% more than Italy

Currency > GDP > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $28,356.29
Ranked 25th.
Ranked 15th. 33% more than Italy

Portfolio investment > Excluding LCFAR > BoP > Current US$ -272,484,100,000 BoP $
Ranked 112th.
-521,221,300,000 BoP $
Ranked 118th. 91% more than Italy

Net capital account > BoP > Current US$ 2.8 billion BoP $
Ranked 5th.
6.05 billion BoP $
Ranked 2nd. 2 times more than Italy

Net trade in goods and services > BoP > Current US$ -585,118,100 BoP $
Ranked 81st.
-82,281,890,000 BoP $
Ranked 136th. 141 times more than Italy

Budget > Expenditures > Per capita $17,187.22 per capita
Ranked 3rd.
$20,386.26 per capita
Ranked 13th. 19% more than Italy

GDP > Composition, by end use > Investment in inventories 0.0
Ranked 127th.
Ranked 100th.
Economic growth > Evolution of GDP > Real GDP growth 1.46%
Ranked 29th.
Ranked 18th. 2 times more than Italy
Tourist arrivals by region of origin > Africa 250,705
Ranked 17th.
Ranked 7th. 3 times more than Italy

Taxes > Taxes on the average worker > Taxes on the average worker 45.87%
Ranked 6th. 34% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 20th.
Purchasing power parity > GNI > PPP > Current international $ $1.89 trillion
Ranked 11th.
$2.30 trillion
Ranked 8th. 22% more than Italy

Debt > External > Per $ GDP $1,060.85 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 18th.
$3,530.89 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Italy

Government > Revenue > Tax > Maximum tax rate for individuals 23%
Ranked 3rd.
Ranked 1st.
GNI > PPP > Current international $ 1.67 trillion PPP $
Ranked 8th.
2.05 trillion PPP $
Ranked 6th. 23% more than Italy

Trade > With US > US imports of bauxite and aluminum per 1000 0.174
Ranked 53th.
Ranked 40th. 3 times more than Italy
Investment > Foreign investment > Commitment to Development Index (investment) 5.4
Ranked 10th.
Ranked 3rd. 17% more than Italy
High-technology > Exports > Current US$ $29.81 billion
Ranked 14th.
$61.77 billion
Ranked 9th. 2 times more than Italy

Stock of direct foreign investment > Abroad $653.30 billion
Ranked 13th.
$1.81 trillion
Ranked 2nd. 3 times more than Italy

Oil > Exports per thousand people 8.79 bbl/day
Ranked 50th.
21.21 bbl/day
Ranked 34th. 2 times more than Italy

Overall productivity > PPP $65,755.30
Ranked 4th. 29% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 21st.
Final > Consumption expenditure > Etc. > Current US$ 1.39 trillion$
Ranked 4th.
1.91 trillion$
Ranked 2nd. 37% more than Italy

Deposit interest rate 0.95%
Ranked 147th.
Ranked 119th. 5 times more than Italy

GDP > Constant 2000 US$ > Per capita 19,329.16 constant 2000 US$ per c
Ranked 24th.
26,890.72 constant 2000 US$ per c
Ranked 11th. 39% more than Italy

Gross National Income > Constant LCU 1235493000000 1098318000000
National accounts > US$ at constant 2000 prices > Aggregate indicators > GDP per capita > Constant 2000 US$ $18,479.19
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 12th. 48% more than Italy

Income > GDP per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $26,310.46
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 19th. 24% more than Italy

Scientific and technical journals > Articles published 26,544
Ranked 9th.
Ranked 5th. 78% more than Italy

Goods imports > BoP > Current US$ 372.69 billion BoP $
Ranked 7th.
509.35 billion BoP $
Ranked 4th. 37% more than Italy

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ > Per capita -360,515.33 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 126th.
917,640.74 BoP $ per 1,000 people
Ranked 10th.

Net income > BoP > Current US$ -17,078,280,000 BoP $
Ranked 132nd.
54.81 billion BoP $
Ranked 2nd.

GDP per unit of energy use 8.17 PPP 2000 $/kg of oil eq.
Ranked 15th. 13% more than United Kingdom
7.25 PPP 2000 $/kg of oil eq.
Ranked 24th.

Oil > Consumption per thousand people 25.26 bbl/day
Ranked 68th.
26.05 bbl/day
Ranked 66th. 3% more than Italy

Budget > Revenues > Per $ GDP $0.46 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 19th. 7% more than United Kingdom
$0.43 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 30th.

Natural gas > Production per capita 137.19 cu m
Ranked 25th.
904.11 cu m
Ranked 16th. 7 times more than Italy

International tourism > Expenditures for travel items > Current US$ $30.84 billion
Ranked 7th.
$69.79 billion
Ranked 4th. 2 times more than Italy

Researchers in RandD > Per million people 1,213.45 per million people
Ranked 30th.
2,705.99 per million people
Ranked 9th. 2 times more than Italy

Innovation > Research and development personnel > By sector > Business enterprise sector per thousand people 0.759
Ranked 22nd.
Ranked 15th. 91% more than Italy

Government spending > Subsidies and other transfers > Current LCU per capita 7,208.52
Ranked 50th. 25% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 56th.

Government spending > Subsidies and other transfers > Current LCU 437.73 billion
Ranked 31st. 21% more than United Kingdom
361.03 billion
Ranked 34th.

Tax > Components of taxation > Property tax 4.3%
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 1st. 3 times more than Italy
Intellectual property > Patents granted 6,380
Ranked 12th.
Ranked 11th. 12% more than Italy

Currency > DEC alternative conversion factor > LCU per US$ 0.8 0.55
Labor force > By occupation > Industry 28.3%
Ranked 30th. 55% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 100th.

Stocks traded > Total value > Current US$ 1.12 trillion$
Ranked 8th.
4.17 trillion$
Ranked 3rd. 4 times more than Italy

GDP > Composition, by end use > Investment in fixed capital 17.9%
Ranked 141st. 25% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 169th.
Trade > Exports > Goods and services 28%
Ranked 107th. 4% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 110th.
Royalty and license fees > Payments > BoP > Current US$ 1.94 billion BoP $
Ranked 13th.
9.07 billion BoP $
Ranked 4th. 5 times more than Italy

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ -21,128,740,000 BoP $
Ranked 132nd.
55.27 billion BoP $
Ranked 3rd.

Trade > Imports > Goods and services > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 0.263 BoP $ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 116th.
0.305 BoP $ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 104th. 16% more than Italy

Economic importance 20.4
Ranked 5th.
Ranked 4th. 9% more than Italy
Stock of direct foreign investment > At home per capita $7,515.02
Ranked 37th.
Ranked 15th. 3 times more than Italy

Economic aid > Donor per capita $60.85
Ranked 18th.
Ranked 8th. 3 times more than Italy
Reserves > Total reserves minus gold > Current US$ $50.50 billion
Ranked 30th.
$88.60 billion
Ranked 20th. 75% more than Italy

Spending > Household final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita $16,802.97
Ranked 21st.
Ranked 6th. 44% more than Italy

Spending > Final consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ $1.38 trillion
Ranked 8th.
$2.05 trillion
Ranked 6th. 49% more than Italy

Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ $383.62 billion
Ranked 10th. 24% more than United Kingdom
$310.41 billion
Ranked 15th.

World Bank exchange rate 0.72
Ranked 157th. 13% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 167th.

Balance of payments > Current account > Balances > Net trade in goods > US$ $3.26 billion
Ranked 32nd.
Ranked 141st.

Trade > Exports > Goods 403.9 billion
Ranked 8th.
484.91 billion
Ranked 7th. 20% more than Italy

Financial sector > Exchange rates and prices > GDP deflator > Base year varies by country 125.91
Ranked 132nd. About the same as United Kingdom
Ranked 135th.

Electricity > Production 269.6 billion kWh
Ranked 13th.
346 billion kWh
Ranked 11th. 28% more than Italy

Electricity > Imports per capita 738.46 kWh
Ranked 15th. 16 times more than United Kingdom
46.29 kWh
Ranked 49th.

Gender income ratio 0.44%
Ranked 49th.
Ranked 18th. 39% more than Italy
Household final > Consumption expenditure > Constant 2000 US$ per capita 11,504.4 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 14th.
18,129.76 constant 2000 US$
Ranked 3rd. 58% more than Italy

Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ per capita 6,191.11$
Ranked 15th. 2% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 16th.

Gross national expenditure > Current US$ > Per $ GDP 1$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 97th.
1.04$ per $1 of GDP
Ranked 81st. 4% more than Italy

Patent applications > Residents 9,255
Ranked 9th.
Ranked 7th. 79% more than Italy

GNI > Atlas method > Current US$ > Per capita 30,251.34$ per capita
Ranked 19th.
37,736.15$ per capita
Ranked 10th. 25% more than Italy

Income > GNI per capita, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $26,141.81
Ranked 23th.
Ranked 15th. 25% more than Italy

Income > GDP, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ per capita $26,310.46
Ranked 31st.
Ranked 19th. 24% more than Italy

Income > GNI, PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $1.59 trillion
Ranked 11th.
$2.06 trillion
Ranked 8th. 29% more than Italy

International tourism > Receipts > Current US$ 38.26 billion$
Ranked 5th.
39.57 billion$
Ranked 3rd. 3% more than Italy

Terms of trade 132
Ranked 9th. 31% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 34th.
Oil > Production per thousand people 2.51 bbl/day
Ranked 67th.
22.37 bbl/day
Ranked 34th. 9 times more than Italy

Gross savings > Current US$ per capita 5,967.15$
Ranked 12th. 15% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 15th.

Innovation > Patent applications, nonresidents per million 15.27
Ranked 58th.
Ranked 20th. 7 times more than Italy

Innovation > Patent applications, residents 8,794
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 8th. 74% more than Italy

Trade > Exports > Export growth in USD 168.61
Ranked 101st. 30% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 121st.

Innovation > Scientific and technical journal articles 26,755.3
Ranked 9th.
Ranked 5th. 71% more than Italy

GDP > PPP > Current international $ per capita 28,529.1 PPP $
Ranked 23th.
33,239.42 PPP $
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

Welfare > Revenue, excluding grants > Current LCU per capita 9,777.03
Ranked 60th. 10% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 65th.

Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Number per 1000 77.88
Ranked 1st. 6% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 4th.
Transnational corporations > Affiliates 1,769
Ranked 40th.
Ranked 28th. 52% more than Italy
Tax > Taxes on income > Profits and capital gains > Current LCU 208 billion
Ranked 23th. About the same as United Kingdom
207.43 billion
Ranked 24th.

Tax > Social security contributions 36.14%
Ranked 12th. 71% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 34th.

Tax > Components of taxation > Social security > Employees contribution 5.6%
Ranked 24th.
Ranked 19th. 21% more than Italy
Oil > Imports 1.8 million bbl/day
Ranked 10th. 24% more than United Kingdom
1.45 million bbl/day
Ranked 12th.

Imports > Partners Germany 15.7%, France 8.9%, China 7%, Netherlands 5.8%, Spain 4.8%, Belgium 4.1% Germany 12.6%, China 8%, Netherlands 7.5%, US 6.7%, France 5.4%, Belgium 4.4%, Norway 4%
Oil > Imports per thousand people 29.9 bbl/day
Ranked 45th. 27% more than United Kingdom
23.46 bbl/day
Ranked 54th.

Electricity > Production per capita 4,478.95 kWh
Ranked 38th.
5,597.71 kWh
Ranked 31st. 25% more than Italy

Market value of publicly traded shares $431.50 billion
Ranked 20th.
$3.11 trillion
Ranked 4th. 7 times more than Italy

Gross Domestic Product > GDP > Size of GDP > Gross domestic product per million $29.94 Billion US dollars, curre
Ranked 20th.
$35.08 Billion US dollars, curre
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy
GDP growth > Duration 1975-2000 2.1%
Ranked 40th. 5% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 45th.
Trade balance with US $-3,562,600,000.00
Ranked 216th. 2 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 202nd.
Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ 1.04 trillion$
Ranked 4th.
1.44 trillion$
Ranked 2nd. 38% more than Italy

Trade > Exports > Goods and services > Constant 2000 US$ 288.54 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 8th.
466.3 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 3rd. 62% more than Italy

Services > Etc. > Value added > Constant 2000 US$ 710.82 billion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 5th.
1.05 trillion constant 2000 US$
Ranked 2nd. 48% more than Italy

Merchandise > Exports > Current US$ 367.2 billion$
Ranked 8th.
382.76 billion$
Ranked 7th. 4% more than Italy

Gross fixed capital formation > Current US$ 362.84 billion$
Ranked 5th.
365.96 billion$
Ranked 4th. 1% more than Italy

Household final > Consumption expenditure > Current US$ > Per capita 17,698.86$ per capita
Ranked 13th.
23,829.44$ per capita
Ranked 4th. 35% more than Italy

Research and development spending 1%
Ranked 28th.
Ranked 15th. 80% more than Italy
Aid > Untied given $864.79 million
Ranked 15th.
$3,099.12 million
Ranked 5th. 4 times more than Italy

Tax > Time to prepare and pay taxes > Hours 314
Ranked 54th. 3 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 151st.

Balance of payments > Capital and financial account > Net errors and omissions > Adjusted > BoP > Current US$ $45.20 billion
Ranked 2nd.
Ranked 101st.

Balance of payments > Current account > Goods > Services and income > Exports of goods > Services > Income and wo $572.33 billion
Ranked 9th.
$862.44 billion
Ranked 5th. 51% more than Italy

Intellectual property > Patent applications 27,679
Ranked 11th.
Ranked 7th. 80% more than Italy

Commercial service imports > Current US$ 88.89 billion$
Ranked 6th.
155.86 billion$
Ranked 3rd. 75% more than Italy

Trade > Imports of goods > Services and income > BoP > Current US$ per capita 9,243.43 BoP $
Ranked 34th.
15,853.99 BoP $
Ranked 16th. 72% more than Italy

Foreign direct investment > Net > BoP > Current US$ > Per $ GDP -11.988 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 115th.
25.14 BoP $ per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 57th.

Net income > BoP > Current US$ per million -291,403,202.171 BoP $
Ranked 104th.
910.16 million BoP $
Ranked 5th.

Commercial service imports > Current US$ > Per capita 1,516.69$ per capita
Ranked 34th.
2,587.92$ per capita
Ranked 22nd. 71% more than Italy

Royalty and license fees > Payments > BoP > Current US$ per capita 33.14 BoP $
Ranked 33th.
150.58 BoP $
Ranked 9th. 5 times more than Italy

Natural gas > Proved reserves 63.57 billion cu m
Ranked 57th.
256 billion cu m
Ranked 39th. 4 times more than Italy

Natural gas > Proved reserves per capita 1,046.88 cu m
Ranked 71st.
4,079.52 cu m
Ranked 55th. 4 times more than Italy

Natural gas > Consumption 82.98 billion cu m
Ranked 9th.
94.28 billion cu m
Ranked 7th. 14% more than Italy

External debt > Date of information 30 June 2006 est. 30 June 2006
Micro > Small and medium enterprises > Per 1,000 people 77.88 per 1,000 people
Ranked 1st. 6% more than United Kingdom
73.79 per 1,000 people
Ranked 4th.
Tourism > International tourism, expenditures > Current US$ $35.72 billion
Ranked 10th.
$64.63 billion
Ranked 5th. 81% more than Italy

Tourism > International tourism, receipts for travel items > Current US$ per capita $712.13
Ranked 48th. 27% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 56th.

Tourism > International tourism, number of departures 29.3 million
Ranked 8th.
56.84 million
Ranked 5th. 94% more than Italy

Public expenditure > Health expenditure > Total expenditure on health 9%
Ranked 15th. 7% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 19th.
Companies > Ease of doing business index > 1=most business-friendly regulations per million 1.1
Ranked 159th. 6 times more than United Kingdom
Ranked 183th.
Gross Domestic Product > GDP > Size of GDP > Gross domestic product $1,802.18 Billion US dollars, curre
Ranked 6th.
$2,168.06 Billion US dollars, curre
Ranked 4th. 20% more than Italy
Economic growth > Inflation > GDP deflator 2.26%
Ranked 19th.
Ranked 14th. 27% more than Italy
International tourism > Receipts for travel items > Current US$ $46.23 billion
Ranked 5th. 27% more than United Kingdom
$36.42 billion
Ranked 8th.

Tourism receipts > International > Per $ GDP $21.71 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 99th. 21% more than United Kingdom
$17.97 per $1,000 of GDP
Ranked 105th.

Trade > Tariffs > Binding coverage > All products 99.98%
Ranked 15th. The same as United Kingdom
Ranked 12th.

GDP > PPP > Constant 2000 international $ > Per capita 25,381.09 PPP 2000 $ per capita
Ranked 22nd.
29,570.6 PPP 2000 $ per capita
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

GDP > PPP > Current international $ > Per capita 28,529.09 PPP $ per capita
Ranked 22nd.
33,238.21 PPP $ per capita
Ranked 12th. 17% more than Italy

Financial sector > Interest rates > Interest rate spread > Lending rate minus deposit rate 4.88%
Ranked 97th. 79% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 127th.

International tourism > Expenditures > Current US$ 26.46 billion$
Ranked 5th.
73.79 billion$
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Italy

Trade > Exports > Per $ GDP $0.23 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 104th. 18% more than United Kingdom
$0.19 per $1 of GDP
Ranked 117th.

Tax > Tax payments > Number per million 0.246
Ranked 167th. 95% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 177th.

Purchasing power parity > PPP conversion factor > Private > Consumption > LCU per international $ $0.86
Ranked 135th. 28% more than United Kingdom
Ranked 144th.

Purchasing power parity > GDP > PPP > Constant 2005 international $ $1.60 trillion
Ranked 11th.
$1.99 trillion
Ranked 7th. 24% more than Italy

Trade > Exports > Export growth 88.65
Ranked 117th.
Ranked 107th. 12% more than Italy

Tourism expenditures > International $24.06 billion
Ranked 5th.
$68.78 billion
Ranked 3rd. 3 times more than Italy

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