Economy > Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita: Countries Compared
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- Gross domestic savings
- Current US$ per capita
Gross domestic savings (current US$). Gross domestic savings are calculated as GDP less final consumption expenditure (total consumption). Data are in current U.S. dollars. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
Interesting observations about Economy > Savings > Gross domestic savings > Current US$ per capita
- Qatar ranked first for savings > gross domestic savings > current US$ per capita amongst Tourist destinations in 2011.
- 21 of the bottom 60 countries by savings > gross domestic savings > current US$ per capita are Landlocked.
- 45 of the bottom 184 countries by savings > gross domestic savings > current US$ per capita are European.
- 15 of the bottom 28 countries by savings > gross domestic savings > current US$ per capita are Christian.
- 36 of the bottom 169 countries by savings > gross domestic savings > current US$ per capita are Sparsely populated.