Economy > Terms of trade: Countries Compared
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Terms of trade (1980 = 100) 1999. The ratio of the export price index to the import price index measured relative to the base year 1980. A value of more than 100 implies that the price of exports has risen relative to the price of imports.
Interesting observations about Economy > Terms of trade
- India ranked first for terms of trade amongst Former British colonies in 1999.
- Burkina Faso ranked first for terms of trade amongst Hot countries in 1999.
- Israel ranked first for terms of trade amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 1999.
- Poland ranked first for terms of trade amongst Christian countries in 1999.
- Paraguay ranked first for terms of trade amongst Former Spanish colonies in 1999.
- United Kingdom ranked last for terms of trade amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 1999.
- Japan ranked first for terms of trade amongst Heavily indebted countries in 1999.
- Brazil ranked second for terms of trade amongst Latin America and Caribbean in 1999.
- Jordan ranked third for terms of trade amongst Muslim countries in 1999.
- Rwanda ranked second for terms of trade amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 1999.
- Nigeria ranked last for terms of trade amongst OPEC countries in 1999.