Consumer Confidence Index
33 countries compared |
Indexes |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises in Newspapers and Stationery Retail in Specialised Stores
30 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Retail Sales Volume
29 countries compared |
Indexes |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Newspapers and Stationery Retail in Specialised Stores Turnover
28 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Music and Video Recordings in Specialised Stores Retail Turnover
27 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Index of Dispensing Chemist; Medical, Orthopaedic Goods, Cosmetic, Toiletries Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
24 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Dispensing Chemist; Medical, Orthopaedic Goods, Cosmetic, Toiletries Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
24 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Retail Via Mail Order Houses or Via Internet Sector
23 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Non-specialised Stores Retail Sector
23 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Index of Retail Via Mail Order Houses or Via Internet Sector
23 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Index of Non-specialised Stores Retail Sector
23 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Cocaine Retail Prices
18 countries compared |
US Dollars Per Gram |
Annual |
until 2016 |
Heroin Retail Prices
18 countries compared |
US Dollars Per Gram |
Annual |
until 2016 |
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Non-specialised Stores Retail
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Non-specialised Stores Retail
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Heifers Producer Price for Retail
11 countries compared |
Euros Per Animal |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Non-specialised Stores Retail
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Non-specialised Stores Retail
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores
10 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores
10 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Retail Trade Sales Index
9 countries compared |
Indexes 2010 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Retail Trade Turnover Index
9 countries compared |
Indexes 2010 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Retail Via Stalls and Markets
9 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Retail Via Stalls and Markets
9 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
6 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Retail Not in Stores, Stalls or Markets Sector
6 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Index of Retail Not in Stores, Stalls or Markets Sector
6 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Index of Cultural and Recreational Goods Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
5 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Retail Via Stalls and Markets
4 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Index of Retail, Maintenance and Repair of Motorcycles Parts Sector
4 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Retail Via Stalls and Markets
4 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Retail, Maintenance and Repair of Motorcycles Parts Sector
3 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Deflated Turnover Index of Retail Via Stalls and Markets Sector
3 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Index of Retail Via Stalls and Markets Sector
3 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Consumer Confidence Indicator
2 countries compared |
Indexes |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Show 33 additional results