Norway Health care system Stats
- Healthcare costs as a percent of GDP: Healthcare expenditure as percent of GDP.
- Medical staff > Nurses per 1000 people: Nurses per 1000 people.
- Medical staff > Physicians per 1000 people: Physicians per 1000 people.
- Per capita spending on health: Annual per capita expenditure for healthcare at purchasing power parity. Purchasing power parity compensates for differences in the price level across countries.
- Population covered by public health insurance: Percentage of population covered by governmental / social health insurance.
- Total public and private health insurance coverage: Percentage of population covered either by private or by governmental / social health insurance.
SOURCES: Wikipedia: Health system (International comparisons); Wikipedia: Health system (International comparisons); Wikipedia: List of countries by health insurance coverage; http://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/social-issues-migration-health/data/oecd-health-statistics/oecd-health-data-social-protection_data-00544-en