Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Biotechnology

  1. In 2019, Production Value of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development in France grew 41.9% from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 China Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Biotechnology grew 7.4% year on year to 333.02 Publications.
  3. In 2019 China was ranked number 1 in Total Number of Scientific Publications in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.

Other Data (18 results)

Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Biotechnology
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Biotechnology
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Biotechnology
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Biotechnology
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Biotechnology
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of PCT Patents in Biotechnology
59 countries compared Units (Patents) Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
58 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
58 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Number of IP5 Patent Families in Biotechnology
55 countries compared Units (Patents) Annual until 2019
Number of Patents in the Biotechnology Sector
44 countries compared Units Annual until 2019
Number of Enterprises of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development
28 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Wages and Salaries of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development
25 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Number of Persons Employed of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development
25 countries compared Units (Employees) Annual until 2019
Turnover of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development
25 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Turnover Per Employee of Biotechnology Research and Experimental Development
24 countries compared Thousand Euros Annual until 2019
Show 14 additional results

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