Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Child Health

  1. Nigeria Number of Infant Deaths was down by 0.7% in 2019, compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Cameroon Child Mortality Rate was down by 1.3% year on year at 32.05 Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Children Aged 5-14.
  3. In 2019 Central African Republic was ranked number 1 in Male Infant Mortality Rate.

Other Data (44 results)

Global Number of Infant Deaths
579 countries compared Thousand Units (Deaths) Annual until 2019
Child Mortality Rate
194 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Children Aged 5-14 Annual until 2019
Male Infant Mortality Rate
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Births Annual until 2019
Boys Under Five Mortality Rate
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Children Under 5 Annual until 2019
Infant Mortality Rate - Source World Bank
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Probability of Dying at Age 5-14 Years
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Children Aged 5 Annual until 2018
Neonatal Mortality Rate - Source World Bank
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Female Infant Mortality Rate
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Under 5 Mortality Rate
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Number of Under 5 Deaths
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Annual until 2019
Number of Infant Deaths - Source World Bank
193 countries compared Units (Deaths) Annual until 2019
Child Immunization Coverage Against Pol3
192 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 1 Year Old Annual until 2019
Global Number of Neonatal Deaths
192 countries compared Thousand Units (Deaths) Annual until 2019
Child Immunization Coverage Against DPT
192 countries compared Percent of Children Aged 12-23 Months Annual until 2019
Number of Neonatal Deaths - Source World Bank
192 countries compared Units (Deaths) Annual until 2019
Child Immunization Coverage Against BCG
156 countries compared Percent of 1 Year-Old Children Annual until 2019
Share of Neonates Protected at Birth Against Neonatal Tetanus
106 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Newborns Protected Against Tetanus
106 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
60 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
60 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
59 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Pediatrics, Perinatology and Child Health
59 countries compared Units (Publications) Annual until 2019
EU Infant Mortality Rate
45 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Neonatal Mortality
44 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Infant Mortality Rates (No Minimum Threshold of Gestation Period or Birthweight)
44 countries compared Ratios Annual until 2019
Total Infant Mortality Rates
44 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Infant Mortality
44 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
EU Neonatal Mortality Rate
41 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Early Neonatal Mortality Rate
41 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Perinatal Mortality Rate
36 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Perinatal Mortality
36 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Births Annual until 2019
Neonatal Mortality (Minimum Threshold of 22 Weeks or 500 Grams Birthweight)
27 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
Infant Mortality (Minimum Threshold of 22 Weeks or 500 Grams Birthweight)
26 countries compared Units (Deaths) Per Thousand Live Births Annual until 2019
National Total Children Immunized Against Measles
4 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
National Total Under-Five Mortality Rate
3 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
National Male Children Immunized Against Measles
2 countries compared Percent Annual until 2014
Urban Total Children Immunized Against Measles
2 countries compared Percent Annual until 2014
National Female Under-Five Mortality Rate
2 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
National Total Infant Mortality Rate
2 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
National Female Children Immunized Against Measles
2 countries compared Percent Annual until 2014
Rural Total Under-Five Mortality Rate
2 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
National Male Under-Five Mortality Rate
2 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
Urban Total Under-Five Mortality Rate
2 countries compared Units (Live Births) Per Thousand Persons Annual until 2014
Show 40 additional results

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