Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Health Insurance

  1. Italy Sold Production of Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles, Broom or Brush Bodies and Handles, Blocks for the Manufacture of Smoking Pipes, Boot or Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood rose 5.7% in 2019, compared to the previous year.
  2. Since 2014 France Import of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls increased 11% year on year close to $7,578,019.
  3. In 2019 Italy was ranked number 1 in Sold Production of Smoking Pipes and Cigar or Cigarette Holders and Parts Thereof.
  4. In 2018 Mexico was ranked number 42 in Export of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls with $91,140, moving from 87 in 2017.

Demand Data (4 results)

Proportion of Population Spending More Than 25% of Household Consumption or Income on Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure
52 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Share of Population Spending More than 10% of Household Consumption or Income on Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure
52 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditures
45 countries compared US Dollars Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure by Voluntary Health Insurance Schemes
30 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019

Import/Export Data (8 results)

Import of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls
152 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Export of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls
94 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Import of Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles, Broom or Brush Bodies and Handles, Blocks for the Manufacture of Smoking Pipes, Boot or Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Import of Smoking Pipes and Cigar or Cigarette Holders and Parts Thereof
27 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Tools, Tool Bodies, Tool Handles, Broom or Brush Bodies and Handles, Blocks for the Manufacture of Smoking Pipes, Boot or Shoe Lasts and Trees, of Wood
26 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Export of Smoking Pipes and Cigar or Cigarette Holders and Parts Thereof
25 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Re-Export of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls
14 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Re-Import of Smoking Pipes and Pipe Bowls
4 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Show 4 additional results

Other Data (51 results)

Share of Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure
192 countries compared Percent of Private Health Expenditure Annual until 2014
Out-of-Pocket Health Expenditure
192 countries compared Percent of Health Expenditure Annual until 2014
Out-of-Pocket Expenditure
186 countries compared Percent of Health Expenditure Annual until 2019
Out-of-Pocket Expenditure Per Capita
186 countries compared US Dollars Annual until 2019
Female Smoking Prevalence
146 countries compared Percent of Adult Population Annual until 2019
Smoking Prevalence - Source World Bank
146 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 15+ Annual until 2019
Male Smoking Prevalence
144 countries compared Percent of Adult Population Annual until 2019
Increase in Poverty Gap at $1.90 Poverty Line Due to Out-of-Pocket Health Care Expenditure
41 countries compared US Dollars PPP = 2011 Annual until 2019
Proportion of Population Pushed Below the $1.90 ($ 2011 PPP) Poverty Line by Catastrophic Out-of-Pocket Healthcare Expenditure
37 countries compared Percent of Population Annual until 2019
Public Health Insurance Coverage
36 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Public and Primary Private Health Insurance Coverage
36 countries compared Percent of Population Covered Annual until 2019
Male Daily Smokers
35 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 15+ Annual until 2019
Total Daily Smokers
35 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 15+ Annual until 2019
Female Daily Smokers
35 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 15+ Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Inpatient Curative and Rehabilitative Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Medical Goods (Non Specified by Function) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Outpatient Curative and Rehabilitative Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Current Healthcare by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Curative Care and Rehabilitative Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Providers of Ambulatory Health Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Therapeutic Appliances and Medical Durable Goods by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Hospitals by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Healthcare Providers by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Retailers of Medical Goods by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Pharmaceuticals and Medical Non-Durable Goods by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
33 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Daily Smoking Prevalence for Adult
30 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Long Term Care (Health) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
30 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Ancillary Services (Non Specified by Function) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
30 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Residential Long-Term Care Facilities by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
30 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Inpatient Long Term Care (Health) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
29 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Providers of Ancillary Services by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
29 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Health Insurance HICP
27 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Smoking Prevalence - Source OECD
25 countries compared Percent of Persons Aged 15+ Who Are Daily Smokers Annual until 2019
Private Health Insurance Coverage
25 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Share of Households with Spendings on Health Insurance
24 countries compared Percent of Households Annual until 2015
Healthcare Expenditure on Day Curative and Rehabilitative Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
23 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Home Based Long Term Care (Health) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
23 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Home Based Curative and Rehabilitative Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
19 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Preventive Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
18 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Long-Term Care (Social) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
15 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure by out of Pocket (Excluding Cost-sharing)
12 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Duplicate Private Health Insurance Coverage
11 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Complementary Private Health Insurance Coverage
9 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Providers of Preventive Care by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
9 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Supplementary Private Health Insurance Coverage
9 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Increase in Poverty Gap at $3.10 Poverty Line Due to Out of Pocket Health Care Expenditure
8 countries compared US Dollars PPP = 2011 Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Day Long-Term Care (Health) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
7 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Primary Private Health Insurance Coverage
5 countries compared Thousand Units (Persons) Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Outpatient Long Term Care (Health) by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
5 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Healthcare Expenditure on Providers of Health Care System Administration and Financing by Household Out-of-Pocket Payment
3 countries compared Euros Per Capita Annual until 2019
Show 47 additional results

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