South Asia: Sports stats
- Chess > GrandMasters: Number of GrandMaster chess champions, by country. A GrandMaster is the highest level of recognition in chess.
- Chess > GrandMasters per million: Number of GrandMaster chess champions, by country. A GrandMaster is the highest level of recognition in chess. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
- Chess > International Masters: Number of International Masters in chess, by country. International Master is the second highest recognition in chess.
- Chess > International Masters per million: Number of International Masters in chess, by country. International Master is the second highest recognition in chess. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
- Chess > World Chess Rankings: Country rank by average rating of top 10 players
- FIFA World Ranking > Men: World football rankings, point totals, March 2006.
- FIFA World Ranking > Men per million: World football rankings, point totals, March 2006. Figures expressed per million population for the same year.
- FIFA World Ranking > Women: FIFA world women's ranking, total points.
- Mt Everest ascents > Duration 1953-2001: Mt Everest ascents 1953 - 2001
- Mt Everest ascents > Duration 1991-2001: Mt Everest ascents 1991 - 2001