Muslim countries Compared by Economy > Currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio
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- PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio
Purchasing power parity conversion factor is the number of units of a country's currency required to buy the same amount of goods and services in the domestic market as a U.S. dollar would buy in the United States. Official exchange rate refers to the exchange rate determined by national authorities or to the rate determined in the legally sanctioned exchange market. It is calculated as an annual average based on monthly averages (local currency units relative to the U.S. dollar). The ratio of the PPP conversion factor to the official exchange rate (also referred to as the national price level) makes it possible to compare the cost of the bundle of goods that make up gross domestic product (GDP) across countries. It tells how many dollars are needed to buy a dollar's worth of goods in the country as compared to the United States.
Interesting observations about Economy > Currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio
- Norway ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Christian countries in 2005.
- Kuwait ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Hot countries in 2005.
- Denmark ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst European Union in 2005.
- Angola ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2005.
- Venezuela ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Emerging markets in 2005.
- Iceland ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2005.
- Switzerland ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Landlocked countries in 2005.
- United States ranked last for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2005.
- Lebanon ranked first for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Former French colonies in 2005.
- United Arab Emirates ranked second for currency > PPP conversion factor to official exchange rate ratio amongst Muslim countries in 2005.