Agriculture > Produce > Livestock > Production index: Countries Compared
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Livestock production index includes meat and milk from all sources, dairy products such as cheese, and eggs, honey, raw silk, wool, and hides and skins.
Interesting observations about Agriculture > Produce > Livestock > Production index
- Qatar ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Hot countries in 2004.
- Belize ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Christian countries in 2004.
- Israel ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst High income OECD countries in 2004.
- Indonesia ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Emerging markets in 2004.
- Mali ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2004.
- Armenia ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Europe in 2004.
- Lebanon ranked second for produce > livestock > production index amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2004.
- Lithuania ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst European Union in 2004.
- Brazil ranked second for produce > livestock > production index amongst Catholic countries in 2004.
- Vietnam ranked first for produce > livestock > production index amongst Former French colonies in 2004.
- Tajikistan ranked second for produce > livestock > production index amongst Muslim countries in 2004.