Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Agricultural Products

  1. Laos Crops Gross Production Index rose 3.8% in 2019, compared to the previous year.
  2. Since 2014 Latvia Crops Gross Production Per Capita Index was up 8% year on year attaining $220.11 PPP = 2004–2006.
  3. In 2019 India was number 1 in Crops Gross Production.
  4. In 2019 Greece was ranked number 101 in Sugar Crops Production close to 142 Thousand Metric Tons, moving from 106 in 2018.

Production Data (11 results)

Crops Gross Production Index
207 countries compared US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019
Crops Gross Production Per Capita Index
207 countries compared US Dollars PPP = 2004–2006 Annual until 2019
Crop Production Index
197 countries compared Indexes 2004-2006 = 100 Annual until 2018
Crops Gross Production
155 countries compared Million US Dollars Annual until 2019
Sugar Crops Production
127 countries compared Thousand Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Protein Crops Production
27 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Protein Crops Production at Producer Price
27 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2020
Organic Root Crops Production
24 countries compared Metric Tons Annual until 2019
Fodder Root Crops Production at Producer Price
22 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Fodder Root Crops Production
22 countries compared Million Euros Annual until 2019
Sold Production of Agricultural Products Dryers
12 countries compared Euros Annual until 2019
Show 7 additional results

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