Agriculture > Produce > Cereal > Cereal production > Metric tons: Countries Compared
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- Cereal production
- Metric tons
Cereal production (metric tons). Production data on cereals relate to crops harvested for dry grain only. Cereal crops harvested for hay or harvested green for food or silage, and those used for grazing, are excluded.
Interesting observations about Agriculture > Produce > Cereal > Cereal production > Metric tons
- China has had the highest produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons since 1986.
- United States ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Christian countries in 2012.
- India ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Hot countries in 2012.
- Indonesia ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Muslim countries in 2012.
- France ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Europe in 2012.
- Saint Lucia has ranked last for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons since 1995.
- Brazil ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Catholic countries in 2012.
- Nigeria ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2012.
- Ethiopia ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Landlocked countries in 2012.
- Germany ranked second for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst European Union in 2012.
- Russia ranked first for produce > cereal > cereal production > metric tons amongst Sparsely populated countries in 2012.