Agriculture > Farm machinery > Tractors: Countries Compared
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- Tractors
Farm machinery refers to the number of wheel and crawler tractors (excluding garden tractors) in use in agriculture at the end of the calendar year specified or during the first quarter of the following year.
Interesting observations about Agriculture > Farm machinery > Tractors
- United States ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Christian countries in 2007.
- India ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Hot countries in 2007.
- European Union has had the highest farm machinery > tractors since 1969.
- Turkey ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Muslim countries in 2007.
- Italy ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Europe in 2007.
- Brazil ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Latin America and Caribbean in 2007.
- Sudan ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2007.
- China ranked second for farm machinery > tractors amongst Cold countries in 2007.
- Austria ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Landlocked countries in 2007.
- Argentina ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2007.
- Canada ranked first for farm machinery > tractors amongst Sparsely populated countries in 2007.