South Africa Transport Stats
- Airports: Total number of airports. Runways must be useable, but may be unpaved. May not have facilities for refuelling, maintenance, or air traffic control.
- Commute > Distance: Distance. Based on 0-50 contributions for Argentina, Armenia, Austria and 63 more countries and 50-100 contributions for Australia, Brazil, Germany and 5 more countries and over 100 contributions for Canada, India, and United States. The surveys were conducted by from January, 2011 to February, 2014. See this sample survey for the United States, respondents were asked "Distance".
- Gross value added by transport, storage and communication: Gross Value Added by Kind of Economic Activity at current prices - US dollars.
- Highways > Total > Per capita: total length of the highway system Per capita figures expressed per 1,000 population.
- Motor vehicles > Per 1,000 people: Motor vehicles include cars, buses, and freight vehicles but do not include two-wheelers. Population refers to midyear population in the year for which data are available."
- Passenger cars > Per 1,000 people: Passenger cars refer to road motor vehicles, other than two-wheelers, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine people (including the driver)."
- Ports and terminals: This entry lists major ports and terminals primarily on the basis of the amount of cargo tonnage shipped through the facilities on an annual basis. In some instances, the number of containers handled or ship visits were also considered.
- Rail > Railway length: Railway length in kilometers.
Road > Expressway length:
Expressway length (km).
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
Road > Motor vehicles per 1000 people:
Motor vehicles per 1000 people.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Road > Motorway density: Meters of motorway per square kilometer.
- Road > Motorway length: Total network length of all motorways in km.
- Road network length > Km: Length of road network in kilometers in European Union countries.
- Roads > Passenger cars > Per 1,000 people: Passenger cars (per 1,000 people). Passenger cars refer to road motor vehicles, other than two-wheelers, intended for the carriage of passengers and designed to seat no more than nine people (including the driver).
- Roadways > Unpaved: This entry gives the total length of the road network and includes the length of the paved and unpaved portions.
SOURCES: CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 28 March 2011; traffic; United Nations Statistics Division; All CIA World Factbooks 18 December 2003 to 18 December 2008; International Road Federation, World Road Statistics and data files.; Wikipedia: List of countries by rail transport network size (Long List); Wikipedia: List of countries by road network size; Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita;, Roadways.
South Africa Transport Profiles (Subcategories)
Airports 43 | Rail 4 |
Air transport 6 | Railways 15 |
Commute 9 | Road 7 |
Highways 9 | Roads 13 |
Investment in transport with private participation 4 | Road sector energy 3 |
Maritime 140 | Roadways 6 |
Merchant marine 20 | Transport services 3 |
Pipelines 13 |
- South Africa ranked first for airports amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2013.
- South Africa ranked first for logistics performance index: competence and quality of logistics services > 1=low to 5=high amongst Emerging markets in 2012.
- South Africa ranked #10 for airports > with paved runways > total amongst Christian countries in 2013.