Group of 7 countries (G7) Compared by Economy > Stocks traded > Turnover ratio
Turnover ratio is the total value of shares traded during the period divided by the average market capitalization for the period. Average market capitalization is calculated as the average of the end-of-period values for the current period and the previous period.
Interesting observations about Economy > Stocks traded > Turnover ratio
- Pakistan ranked first for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst Emerging markets in 2006.
- All of the top 2 countries by stocks traded > turnover ratio are Hot countries.
- All of the top 3 countries by stocks traded > turnover ratio are Muslim.
- Saudi Arabia ranked first for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 2006.
- Spain ranked first for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst European Union in 2005.
- United States ranked second for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst Former British colonies in 2005.
- Germany ranked first for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst Cold countries in 2005.
- Swaziland has ranked last for stocks traded > turnover ratio since 2003.
- All of the top 2 countries by stocks traded > turnover ratio are Religious.
- Hungary ranked first for stocks traded > turnover ratio amongst Eastern Europe in 2006.
- 12 of the bottom 13 countries by stocks traded > turnover ratio are Christian.