Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita

This key economic indicator for the Beans sector has been recently updated.

  1. Tanzania Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita rose 3.1% in 2019, from a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Cuba Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita grew 6.3% year on year totalising 9.44 Grams Per Capita Per Day.
  3. In 2019 Tanzania was ranked number 5 in Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita.
  4. In 2019 Ecuador was ranked number 111 in Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita close to 0.19 Grams Per Capita Per Day, moving from 118 in 2018.

Top Countries in Beans Protein Supply Quantity Per Capita

Source: FAO

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