Terrorism > Global Terrorism Indicator: Countries Compared
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Table 4: Description of the Global Terrorism Indicator
Level General Category Description (TERROR)
5 Greater than 1000 deaths
4 Greater than 200 and less than or equal to 1000 deaths
3 Greater than 100 and less than or equal to 200 deaths
2 Greater than 20 and less than or equal to 100 deaths
1 Less than or equal to 20 deaths
0 No deaths or incidents recorded.
Interesting observations about Terrorism > Global Terrorism Indicator
- Afghanistan ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Muslim countries in 2002.
- Indonesia ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Hot countries in 2002.
- Russia ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Europe in 2002.
- Israel ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst High income OECD countries in 2002.
- United Kingdom ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst European Union in 2002.
- India ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Former British colonies in 2002.
- Turkey ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst NATO countries in 2002.
- Burundi ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Christian countries in 2002.
- United States ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2002.
- Colombia ranked first for global terrorism indicator amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2002.
A better way would be to use a ratio of the number of deaths per thousand population. This would help eliminate the above bias and will give a clearer picture of the spectre of terrorism.
Posted on 29 Dec 2010

John Black
Israel, USA, Russia and than Brasil. I´ve never known any terrorists attempt inside this country....
Posted on 17 Aug 2009
