People > Urban population per 1000: Countries Compared
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- Urban population per 1000
Urban population is the midyear population of areas defined as urban in each country and reported to the United Nations. Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
Interesting observations about People > Urban population per 1000
- Kuwait ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Hot countries in 2005.
- Puerto Rico ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Christian countries in 2005.
- Singapore ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2005.
- Belgium ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Europe in 2005.
- Hong Kong ranked second for urban population per 1000 globally in 2005.
- Qatar ranked second for urban population per 1000 amongst Muslim countries in 2005.
- Venezuela ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Catholic countries in 2005.
- Burundi has ranked last for urban population per 1000 since 1993.
- Iraq ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Failed states in 2005.
- Djibouti ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2005.
- Luxembourg ranked first for urban population per 1000 amongst Landlocked countries in 2005.