People > Fertility > Fertility rate, total > Births per woman: Countries Compared
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- Fertility rate, total
- Births per woman
Fertility rate, total (births per woman). Total fertility rate represents the number of children that would be born to a woman if she were to live to the end of her childbearing years and bear children in accordance with current age-specific fertility rates.
Interesting observations about People > Fertility > Fertility rate, total > Births per woman
- Niger ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Hot countries in 2011.
- Burundi ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Christian countries in 2011.
- Israel ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst High income OECD countries in 2011.
- Somalia ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Former British colonies in 2011.
- Ireland ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst European Union in 2011.
- Kosovo ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Europe in 2011.
- Mali ranked second for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Muslim countries in 2011.
- Pakistan ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Emerging markets in 2011.
- Malawi ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2011.
- Turkey ranked first for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman amongst NATO countries in 2011.
- Macau has ranked last for fertility > fertility rate, total > births per woman since 2000.