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AustraliaAustralia | Australia has one of the lowest population shares in the 0-14 age group, at just 19.8%. This is in part explained by the fact that the country also has some of the oldest marriage ages, with men married first at 30.6 years, and women married first at 28.6 years. Nevertheless, the total population growth by 2050 is expected to be more than 28%. |
BrazilBrazil | Brazil has a strong leaning towards urbanisation, with around 83% of the population living in urban areas. In fact, the rural population has been experiencing a steady decline, falling by 10.4 million in the 20 years between 1985 an 2005. Although, interestingly, this Brazil's rural share has increased from 11th to 17th largest in the world in the same period. The urban population in 2015, meanwhile is expected to grow to just under 88%. |
CanadaCanada | Canada has been experiencing a steady rise in urbanisation, with the population living in urban areas growing by 3 million between 1995 and 2005. The figure is expected to grow further with 81.9% of the population urbanised by 2015. Interestingly, that may mean a growth in area of the cities since Canadians like the largest houses, with 75% of Canadian homes having 5 or more rooms. They just pip New Zealand (74%) and the UK (73%). |
EgyptEgypt | In a break from the typical global trend, Egypt has been experiencing a growth in rural population in recent years, with 27.8 million increasing to 42.3 million in the two decades between 1985 and 2005. Ironically, the country's urban population has also been growing, increasing from 21.8 million to 31.7 million over the same period. By 2015, urbanisation is expected to have grown to 45.8%, with national population growth projections suggesting a growth of more than 64% by 2050, eventually cracking the 100 million mark. |
FranceFrance | Despite being one of the most significant nations in Europe, France is expected to have one of the smallest population growth rates over the next 40 years. Its rate of 9.99% by 2050 ranks 103rd in the world, though it is higher that the UK (6.87%), Germany (-14.48%) and Spain (-22.71%). The French population is strongly urbanised with 76% of French people living in urban areas. That rate is set to increase, with a steady annual growth rate in urban population. Meanwhile, the rural population has been falling steadily. |
GermanyGermany | Germany's population is heavily urbanised, with 88% of living in urban areas. However, the national population is decreasing, by a rate of about 0.2% each year. The cause of this decrease is given as a declining rate of births within the population, with lifestyle a probable motive. However, it also means that the German population is set to decrease quite dramatically over time, with an estimated -14.48% population growth by 2050. |
GreeceGreece | Greece is expected to suffer a dramatic decline in its population over the next few decades, with projected population growth figured at -11.47% by 2050. Despite this projection, urbanisation is expected to grow in the next few years from 60%, with 6.5 million of Greeks living in urban areas, to just over 65% in 2015. In fact, between 1995 and 2005, Greece was experienced an annual urban growth rate of between 0.8% and 0.45% |
IndiaIndia | India has the largest rural population in the world, with more than 780 million living outside major urban areas. In fact, the rural population growth has been steady at about 10 million per year over the last 2 decades. Ironically, the country's urban population growth rate is about 6 million per year, helping to make its total urban population the 2nd largest in the world, at more than 314 million. In fact, with India's projected population growth rate is 57.6% by 2050, with urbanisation growing from 28% to 33.5% in 2015. |
JapanJapan | Though one of the world's most populous nations, Japan is expected to see a dramatic fall in its population, with a projected population growth rate of -20.95% by the year 2050. The main reason for population decrease is a declining birth rate, a fact made evident by the low percentage share the 0-14 years age group has of the overall population, with its 14.3% share the 222nd in the world. Of course, that's hardly surprising, when 1995 figures show just 35% of Japanese couples were couples with children, the 18th lowest amongst 23 developed nations. |
RussiaRussia | Russia may have the 8th largest population, but it is one the few countries in the world expected to see a dramatic population decline. It has been calculate that the Russian population in 2015 will have fallen from 142 million to 136 million, with a projected population growth of -11.57% until 2050. |
South AfricaSouth Africa | South Africa is one of the few nations in the world whose population is expected to fall, with a projected population decrease of 25.35% by 2050. It’s 49 million population is expected to by just over 1 million people by 2015, with a graduated slide continuing. What is likely not to change is the numerical dominence of women, with female life expectancy 113% that of men. |
SpainSpain | Spain is expected to experience a population decrease of more than 22% by 2050, with the current population of 46.7 million expected to fall to 44.3 million by 2015. That’s perhaps to be expected when 2005 census figures show just 14.4% of the population was aged 14 years and younger, one of the lowest in the world. |
United KingdomUnited Kingdom | With national population of over 62 million, statistics claim that here be a population growth of almost 7% by 2050. It may be more, since today’s figure has already surpassed projected 2015 population figures. However, with one of the lowest percentage shares of citizens aged 14 and under, immigration is set to play a part. |