People > Age structure > 15-24 years: Countries Compared
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- 15-24 years
This entry is derived from People > Age structure, which provides the distribution of the population according to age. Information is included by sex and age group as follows: 0-14 years (children), 15-24 years (early working age), 25-54 years (prime working age), 55-64 years (mature working age), 65 years and over (elderly). The age structure of a population affects a nation's key socioeconomic issues. Countries with young populations (high percentage under age 15) need to invest more in schools, while countries with older populations (high percentage ages 65 and over) need to invest more in the health sector. The age structure can also be used to help predict potential political issues. For example, the rapid growth of a young adult population unable to find employment can lead to unrest.
1 | Maldives | 24.2% | 2013 | |
2 | Namibia | 23.1% | 2013 | |
3 | Nepal | 22.6% | 2013 | |
=4 | Zimbabwe | 22.5% | 2013 | |
=4 | Nicaragua | 22.5% | 2013 | |
6 | Swaziland | 22.4% | 2013 | |
7 | Guatemala | 22.2% | 2013 | |
8 | Djibouti | 22% | 2013 | |
9 | Afghanistan | 21.9% | 2013 | |
=10 | Botswana | 21.8% | 2013 | |
=10 | Cape Verde | 21.8% | 2013 | |
=10 | Jamaica | 21.8% | 2013 | |
=10 | West Bank | 21.8% | 2013 | |
14 | Pakistan | 21.6% | 2013 | |
15 | Haiti | 21.5% | 2013 | |
=16 | Laos | 21.3% | 2013 | |
=16 | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 21.3% | 2013 | |
=18 | Cambodia | 21.2% | 2013 | |
=18 | Uganda | 21.2% | 2013 | |
=18 | Kiribati | 21.2% | 2013 | |
=18 | Honduras | 21.2% | 2013 | |
=22 | Belize | 21.1% | 2013 | |
=22 | Uzbekistan | 21.1% | 2013 | |
=22 | The Gambia | 21.1% | 2013 | |
=22 | Yemen | 21.1% | 2013 | |
=22 | Mozambique | 21.1% | 2013 | |
27 | Cote d'Ivoire | 21% | 2013 | |
=28 | Gaza Strip | 20.9% | 2013 | |
=28 | American Samoa | 20.9% | 2013 | |
=28 | El Salvador | 20.9% | 2013 | |
=28 | Tuvalu | 20.9% | 2013 | |
=32 | Turkmenistan | 20.8% | 2013 | |
=32 | Syria | 20.8% | 2013 | |
=32 | Paraguay | 20.8% | 2013 | |
35 | Guyana | 20.7% | 2013 | |
=36 | Congo, Republic of the | 20.6% | 2013 | |
=36 | Madagascar | 20.6% | 2013 | |
=36 | Malawi | 20.6% | 2013 | |
=36 | South Africa | 20.6% | 2013 | |
=36 | Bhutan | 20.6% | 2013 | |
failed states average (profile) | 20.54% | 2013 | ||
41 | Senegal | 20.5% | 2013 | |
=42 | Tajikistan | 20.4% | 2013 | |
=42 | Federated States of Micronesia | 20.4% | 2013 | |
=42 | Chad | 20.4% | 2013 | |
=45 | Cameroon | 20.3% | 2013 | |
=45 | Gabon | 20.3% | 2013 | |
=45 | Angola | 20.3% | 2013 | |
South Asia average (profile) | 20.22% | 2013 | ||
=48 | Central African Republic | 20.2% | 2013 | |
=48 | Oman | 20.2% | 2013 | |
=48 | Lesotho | 20.2% | 2013 | |
=48 | Guinea-Bissau | 20.2% | 2013 | |
South and Central Asia average (profile) | 20.12% | 2013 | ||
52 | Samoa | 20.1% | 2013 | |
=53 | Burkina Faso | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Sudan | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Mauritania | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Eritrea | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Solomon Islands | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Togo | 20% | 2013 | |
=53 | Zambia | 20% | 2013 | |
Sub-Saharan Africa average (profile) | 19.97% | 2013 | ||
=60 | Ethiopia | 19.9% | 2013 | |
=60 | Jordan | 19.9% | 2013 | |
=60 | Bolivia | 19.9% | 2013 | |
=60 | Benin | 19.9% | 2013 | |
Former French colonies average (profile) | 19.85% | 2013 | ||
64 | Iran | 19.8% | 2013 | |
=65 | East Timor | 19.7% | 2013 | |
=65 | Vanuatu | 19.7% | 2013 | |
=65 | Western Sahara | 19.7% | 2013 | |
=65 | Burundi | 19.7% | 2013 | |
=65 | South Sudan | 19.7% | 2013 | |
=70 | Sao Tome and Principe | 19.6% | 2013 | |
=70 | Saudi Arabia | 19.6% | 2013 | |
=70 | Albania | 19.6% | 2013 | |
=70 | Iraq | 19.6% | 2013 | |
74 | Papua New Guinea | 19.5% | 2013 | |
=75 | Tanzania | 19.4% | 2013 | |
=75 | Guinea | 19.4% | 2013 | |
=75 | Equatorial Guinea | 19.4% | 2013 | |
=75 | Peru | 19.4% | 2013 | |
=75 | Kyrgyzstan | 19.4% | 2013 | |
80 | Nigeria | 19.3% | 2013 | |
81 | Tonga | 19.2% | 2013 | |
=82 | Rwanda | 19.1% | 2013 | |
=82 | Philippines | 19.1% | 2013 | |
Muslim countries average (profile) | 19.01% | 2013 | ||
=84 | Sierra Leone | 19% | 2013 | |
=84 | Mongolia | 19% | 2013 | |
=84 | Mali | 19% | 2013 | |
87 | Somalia | 18.9% | 2013 | |
Former Spanish colonies average (profile) | 18.8% | 2013 | ||
=88 | Bangladesh | 18.8% | 2013 | |
=88 | Venezuela | 18.8% | 2013 | |
=88 | Ghana | 18.8% | 2013 | |
=88 | Kenya | 18.8% | 2013 | |
=92 | Ecuador | 18.7% | 2013 | |
=92 | Comoros | 18.7% | 2013 | |
Hot countries average (profile) | 18.67% | 2013 | ||
=94 | Libya | 18.6% | 2013 | |
=94 | Burma | 18.6% | 2013 | |
=96 | Dominican Republic | 18.5% | 2013 | |
=96 | Kosovo | 18.5% | 2013 | |
98 | Vietnam | 18.4% | 2013 | |
Former British colonies average (profile) | 18.33% | 2013 | ||
Sparsely populated countries average (profile) | 18.32% | 2013 | ||
99 | Azerbaijan | 18.3% | 2013 | |
=100 | Colombia | 18.2% | 2013 | |
=100 | India | 18.2% | 2013 | |
=100 | Niger | 18.2% | 2013 | |
=100 | Singapore | 18.2% | 2013 | |
=104 | Wallis and Futuna | 18.1% | 2013 | |
=104 | Mexico | 18.1% | 2013 | |
=104 | Cook Islands | 18.1% | 2013 | |
=104 | Algeria | 18.1% | 2013 | |
=108 | Morocco | 18% | 2013 | |
=108 | Egypt | 18% | 2013 | |
OPEC countries average (profile) | 17.93% | 2013 | ||
Middle Eastern and North Africa average (profile) | 17.91% | 2013 | ||
Landlocked countries average (profile) | 17.82% | 2013 | ||
=110 | Liberia | 17.8% | 2013 | |
=110 | Costa Rica | 17.8% | 2013 | |
Latin America and Caribbean average (profile) | 17.78% | 2013 | ||
East Asia and Pacific average (profile) | 17.73% | 2013 | ||
112 | Armenia | 17.7% | 2013 | |
=113 | Nauru | 17.6% | 2013 | |
=113 | Palau | 17.6% | 2013 | |
Religious countries average (profile) | 17.55% | 2013 | ||
=115 | Lebanon | 17.5% | 2013 | |
=115 | Suriname | 17.5% | 2013 | |
=115 | The Bahamas | 17.5% | 2013 | |
=115 | Brunei | 17.5% | 2013 | |
=115 | Marshall Islands | 17.5% | 2013 | |
=120 | Panama | 17.4% | 2013 | |
=120 | Fiji | 17.4% | 2013 | |
122 | Dominica | 17.2% | 2013 | |
=123 | Indonesia | 17.1% | 2013 | |
=123 | French Polynesia | 17.1% | 2013 | |
=123 | Grenada | 17.1% | 2013 | |
=123 | New Caledonia | 17.1% | 2013 | |
=127 | Turkey | 17% | 2013 | |
=127 | Malaysia | 17% | 2013 | |
=127 | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 17% | 2013 | |
=130 | Guam | 16.9% | 2013 | |
=130 | Saint Lucia | 16.9% | 2013 | |
=130 | Kazakhstan | 16.9% | 2013 | |
133 | Greenland | 16.8% | 2013 | |
=134 | Brazil | 16.7% | 2013 | |
=134 | Antigua and Barbuda | 16.7% | 2013 | |
136 | Chile | 16.6% | 2013 | |
137 | Tunisia | 16.5% | 2013 | |
=138 | Gibraltar | 16.4% | 2013 | |
=138 | North Korea | 16.4% | 2013 | |
Christian countries average (profile) | 16.37% | 2013 | ||
140 | Uruguay | 16% | 2013 | |
Catholic countries average (profile) | 15.98% | 2013 | ||
141 | Bahrain | 15.9% | 2013 | |
=142 | Argentina | 15.8% | 2013 | |
=142 | Cyprus | 15.8% | 2013 | |
Former Soviet republics average (profile) | 15.75% | 2013 | ||
=144 | Mauritius | 15.7% | 2013 | |
=144 | Israel | 15.7% | 2013 | |
Emerging markets average (profile) | 15.66% | 2013 | ||
=146 | Saint Kitts and Nevis | 15.6% | 2013 | |
=146 | Faroe Islands | 15.6% | 2013 | |
Densely populated countries average (profile) | 15.52% | 2013 | ||
=148 | China | 15.4% | 2013 | |
=148 | Kuwait | 15.4% | 2013 | |
Heavily indebted countries average (profile) | 15.37% | 2013 | ||
=150 | Thailand | 15.1% | 2013 | |
=150 | Sri Lanka | 15.1% | 2013 | |
Potential Future EU Members average (profile) | 15.04% | 2013 | ||
=152 | Turks and Caicos Islands | 15% | 2013 | |
=152 | Moldova | 15% | 2013 | |
=154 | Jersey | 14.9% | 2013 | |
=154 | Northern Mariana Islands | 14.9% | 2013 | |
156 | British Virgin Islands | 14.8% | 2013 | |
=157 | Puerto Rico | 14.6% | 2013 | |
=157 | Seychelles | 14.6% | 2013 | |
=157 | Iceland | 14.6% | 2013 | |
160 | Macau | 14.5% | 2013 | |
=161 | Anguilla | 14.3% | 2013 | |
=161 | Republic of Macedonia | 14.3% | 2013 | |
163 | New Zealand | 14.1% | 2013 | |
Tourist destinations average (profile) | 14.04% | 2013 | ||
164 | Georgia | 14% | 2013 | |
=165 | Qatar | 13.9% | 2013 | |
=165 | Cuba | 13.9% | 2013 | |
Cold countries average (profile) | 13.88% | 2013 | ||
=167 | Barbados | 13.8% | 2013 | |
=167 | United Arab Emirates | 13.8% | 2013 | |
=169 | Taiwan | 13.7% | 2013 | |
=169 | United States | 13.7% | 2013 | |
=171 | South Korea | 13.6% | 2013 | |
=171 | Trinidad and Tobago | 13.6% | 2013 | |
=171 | Aruba | 13.6% | 2013 | |
Non-religious countries average (profile) | 13.52% | 2013 | ||
174 | Montserrat | 13.5% | 2013 | |
=175 | Norway | 13.4% | 2013 | |
=175 | Australia | 13.4% | 2013 | |
Eastern Europe average (profile) | 13.4% | 2013 | ||
=177 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 13% | 2013 | |
=177 | Denmark | 13% | 2013 | |
=177 | Lithuania | 13% | 2013 | |
=180 | Canada | 12.9% | 2013 | |
=180 | Cayman Islands | 12.9% | 2013 | |
=180 | Sweden | 12.9% | 2013 | |
=180 | Malta | 12.9% | 2013 | |
184 | United Kingdom | 12.8% | 2013 | |
Europe average (profile) | 12.66% | 2013 | ||
=185 | Slovakia | 12.6% | 2013 | |
=185 | Luxembourg | 12.6% | 2013 | |
High income OECD countries average (profile) | 12.34% | 2013 | ||
NATO countries average (profile) | 12.33% | 2013 | ||
=187 | Finland | 12.3% | 2013 | |
=187 | Bermuda | 12.3% | 2013 | |
=187 | Belarus | 12.3% | 2013 | |
=187 | Poland | 12.3% | 2013 | |
=191 | Netherlands | 12.2% | 2013 | |
=191 | Croatia | 12.2% | 2013 | |
=193 | Guernsey | 12.1% | 2013 | |
=193 | Ukraine | 12.1% | 2013 | |
Southern Europe average (profile) | 12.06% | 2013 | ||
195 | Ireland | 12% | 2013 | |
=196 | France | 11.9% | 2013 | |
=196 | Isle of Man | 11.9% | 2013 | |
=196 | Estonia | 11.9% | 2013 | |
=196 | Hungary | 11.9% | 2013 | |
=196 | Serbia | 11.9% | 2013 | |
=196 | Latvia | 11.9% | 2013 | |
European Union average (profile) | 11.9% | 2013 | ||
=202 | Romania | 11.8% | 2013 | |
=202 | Austria | 11.8% | 2013 | |
=202 | Belgium | 11.8% | 2013 | |
Western Europe average (profile) | 11.77% | 2013 | ||
Eurozone average (profile) | 11.76% | 2013 | ||
=205 | Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha | 11.7% | 2013 | |
=205 | Liechtenstein | 11.7% | 2013 | |
Group of 7 countries (G7) average (profile) | 11.67% | 2013 | ||
207 | Switzerland | 11.6% | 2013 | |
208 | Russia | 11.5% | 2013 | |
=209 | Montenegro | 11.4% | 2013 | |
=209 | Portugal | 11.4% | 2013 | |
211 | Czech Republic | 11.1% | 2013 | |
212 | Saint Martin | 11% | 2013 | |
213 | Germany | 10.8% | 2013 | |
214 | Hong Kong | 10.7% | 2013 | |
=215 | Virgin Islands | 10.6% | 2013 | |
=215 | San Marino | 10.6% | 2013 | |
217 | Bulgaria | 10.5% | 2013 | |
218 | Slovenia | 10.3% | 2013 | |
219 | Italy | 9.9% | 2013 | |
220 | Greece | 9.8% | 2013 | |
=221 | Spain | 9.7% | 2013 | |
=221 | Japan | 9.7% | 2013 | |
223 | Monaco | 9.4% | 2013 | |
224 | Andorra | 9.1% | 2013 | |
225 | Saint Pierre and Miquelon | 8.5% | 2013 | |
226 | Saint Barthelemy | 6.8% | 2013 |