Military > Expenditures > Percent of GDP: Countries Compared
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Interesting observations about Military > Expenditures > Percent of GDP
- Oman ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Hot countries in 2005.
- Eritrea ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2006.
- Iraq ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Failed states in 2006.
- Qatar ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Former British colonies in 2005.
- North Korea ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP globally in 2003.
- El Salvador ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2006.
- Saudi Arabia ranked third for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Muslim countries in 2005.
- Syria ranked first for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Former French colonies in 2005.
- Burundi ranked second for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Christian countries in 2006.
- Cuba ranked second for expenditures > percent of GDP amongst Latin America and Caribbean in 2006.