Military > Battle-related deaths > Number of people: Countries Compared
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Battle-related deaths (number of people). Battle-related deaths are deaths in battle-related conflicts between warring parties in the conflict dyad (two conflict units that are parties to a conflict). Typically, battle-related deaths occur in warfare involving the armed forces of the warring parties. This includes traditional battlefield fighting, guerrilla activities, and all kinds of bombardments of military units, cities, and villages, etc. The targets are usually the military itself and its installations or state institutions and state representatives, but there is often substantial collateral damage in the form of civilians being killed in crossfire, in indiscriminate bombings, etc. All deaths--military as well as civilian--incurred in such situations, are counted as battle-related deaths.
Interesting observations about Military > Battle-related deaths > Number of people
- Afghanistan ranked first for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst Failed states in 2011.
- 6 of the top 7 countries by battle-related deaths > number of people are Hot countries.
- Sri Lanka has had the highest battle-related deaths > number of people since 2008.
- All of the top 2 countries by battle-related deaths > number of people are South and Central Asian.
- Pakistan ranked second for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst Muslim countries in 2011.
- India ranked second last for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst South Asia in 2011.
- Somalia ranked first for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2011.
- Libya ranked first for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 2011.
- Saudi Arabia ranked last for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst OPEC countries in 2007.
- Syria ranked first for battle-related deaths > number of people amongst Former French colonies in 2011.