Geography > Land use > Arable land: Countries Compared
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- Arable land
The percentage of used land that is arable. Arable land is land cultivated for crops that are replanted after each harvest like wheat, maize, and rice.
Interesting observations about Geography > Land use > Arable land
- Bangladesh ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Hot countries in 2013.
- Denmark ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Christian countries in 2013.
- Ukraine ranked second for land use > arable land globally in 2013.
- Haiti ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Catholic countries in 2013.
- India ranked second for land use > arable land amongst Former British colonies in 2013.
- Thailand ranked first for land use > arable land amongst East Asia and Pacific in 2013.
- Hungary ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2013.
- Argentina ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Sparsely populated countries in 2013.
- Rwanda ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2013.
- Moldova ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Landlocked countries in 2013.
- France ranked first for land use > arable land amongst Eurozone in 2013.