Geography > Average precipitation in depth > Mm per year: Countries Compared
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- Average precipitation in depth
- Mm per year
Average precipitation in depth (mm per year). Average precipitation is the long-term average in depth (over space and time) of annual precipitation in the country. Precipitation is defined as any kind of water that falls from clouds as a liquid or a solid.
Interesting observations about Geography > Average precipitation in depth > Mm per year
- Malaysia ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Muslim countries in 2011.
- Papua New Guinea ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Hot countries in 2011.
- United Kingdom ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst European Union in 2011.
- Egypt has ranked last for average precipitation in depth > mm per year since 1962.
- Iceland ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Europe in 2011.
- Costa Rica ranked second for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Christian countries in 2011.
- Sao Tome and Principe ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year globally in 2011.
- Singapore ranked second for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2011.
- Bhutan ranked first for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Cold countries in 2011.
- Indonesia ranked second for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Emerging markets in 2011.
- Brunei ranked second for average precipitation in depth > mm per year amongst Former British colonies in 2011.