Environment > Endangered species > Bird species: Countries Compared
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- Bird species
Birds are listed for countries included within their breeding or wintering ranges. Threatened species are the number of species classified by the IUCN as endangered, vulnerable, rare, indeterminate, out of danger, or insufficiently known.".
Interesting observations about Environment > Endangered species > Bird species
- Brazil ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Hot countries in 2008.
- India ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Former British colonies in 2008.
- Indonesia ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Muslim countries in 2008.
- United States ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2008.
- Russia ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Europe in 2008.
- China ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Cold countries in 2008.
- Peru ranked second for endangered species > bird species amongst Christian countries in 2008.
- Spain ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst European Union in 2008.
- Canada ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst NATO countries in 2008.
- Tanzania ranked first for endangered species > bird species amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2008.