Environment > Acidification: Countries Compared
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Percentage of country with acidification excedence
Units: Percent of Land Area
Units: From a map of acidification excedence, all areas at risk within each country were added together in order to calculate the percentage of the entire country at risk of excedence. See pages 21-22 of the 2001 ESI report for more details on how the acidification excedence map was produced.
Units: Percent of Land Area
Units: From a map of acidification excedence, all areas at risk within each country were added together in order to calculate the percentage of the entire country at risk of excedence. See pages 21-22 of the 2001 ESI report for more details on how the acidification excedence map was produced.
and rivers. Acidification is caused by the presence of oxides in the air which react with
atmospheric water to form acids. The acids fall to the ground as <a
href=\"http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acid_rain\">acid rain</a> or snow.</p>
<p><a href=\"/graph/env_pol_sul_oxi_per_cap\">Sulfur</a> and <a
href=\"/graph/env_pol_nit_oxi_per_cap\">nitrogen oxides</a> are the greatest contributors to
acidification. About half of all sulfur oxides and most nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere
from natural sources, however human activities such as electricity generation, metal
smelting, burning of fossil fuels and vehicle exhaust also contribute a significant amount.
<p>The effects of acidification include:
<li>Damage to the bark and leaves of trees. The trees lose their leaves, their growth will
be stunted and they will become more vulnerable to disease and insects.</li>
<li>Damage to ecosystems. Fish and their eggs in acid streams and lakes will die. This
problem is worst in early spring when acid snow melts and the fish are newly hatched.
Animals and birds that normally feed on the fish will be effected by the reduced food
<li>Damage to buildings. Acid rain damages the surface of buildings and artwork especially
those made from sandstone, limestone or marble.</li>
<li>Damage to metals. Acid rain causes corrosion in metal structures such as railroad lines,
airplanes, cars, steel bridges, and underground pipes.</li></p>
Posted on 29 Jan 2005

Edria Murray, Staff Editor