Energy > Electricity > Production per capita: Countries Compared
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- Production per capita
The annual electricity generated expressed in kilowatt-hours. The discrepancy between the amount of electricity generated and/or imported and the amount consumed and/or exported is accounted for as loss in transmission and distribution. Figures expressed per capita for the same year.
Interesting observations about Energy > Electricity > Production per capita
- All of the top 2 countries by electricity > production per capita are European.
- All of the top 2 countries by electricity > production per capita are High income OECD.
- All of the top 2 countries by electricity > production per capita are Cold countries'.
- All of the top 3 countries by electricity > production per capita are Christian.
- All of the top 3 countries by electricity > production per capita are NATO.
- All of the top 2 countries by electricity > production per capita are Sparsely populated.
- Iceland has had the highest electricity > production per capita since 2007.
- 2 of the top 3 countries by electricity > production per capita are Heavily indebted.
- Norway has ranked in the top 2 for electricity > production per capita since 2001.
- 101 of the top 187 countries by electricity > production per capita are Hot countries.