Energy > Crude oil > Production: Countries Compared
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This entry is the total amount of crude oil produced, in barrels per day (bbl/day).
Interesting observations about Energy > Crude oil > Production
- United States ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Christian countries in 2012.
- Saudi Arabia ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Hot countries in 2012.
- Russia ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Europe in 2012.
- United Kingdom ranked first for crude oil > production amongst European Union in 2012.
- Mexico ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Catholic countries in 2012.
- China ranked first for crude oil > production amongst East Asia and Pacific in 2012.
- Nigeria ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2012.
- Iran ranked second for crude oil > production amongst Muslim countries in 2012.
- Canada ranked second for crude oil > production amongst Former British colonies in 2012.
- Iraq ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Failed states in 2012.
- Germany ranked first for crude oil > production amongst Eurozone in 2012.