Energy > Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$: Countries Compared
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- Adjusted savings: energy depletion
- Current US$
Adjusted savings: energy depletion (current US$). Energy depletion is the ratio of the value of the stock of energy resources to the remaining reserve lifetime (capped at 25 years). It covers coal, crude oil, and natural gas.
Interesting observations about Energy > Adjusted savings: energy depletion > Current US$
- United States ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Christian countries in 2011.
- China ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ globally in 2011.
- Saudi Arabia ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Hot countries in 2011.
- Russia ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Europe in 2011.
- Mexico ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Catholic countries in 2011.
- United Kingdom ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst European Union in 2011.
- India ranked second for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Former British colonies in 2011.
- Iraq ranked third for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Muslim countries in 2011.
- Nigeria ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Sub-Saharan Africa in 2011.
- Canada ranked second for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2011.
- United Arab Emirates ranked first for adjusted savings: energy depletion > current US$ amongst Tourist destinations in 2011.