Education > Student attitude > Find school boring: Countries Compared
The percentage of students who find school boring may have less to do with the relative dullness of classroom instruction and/or teachers in a given country than with the degree to which students answering surveys feel free to give honest opinions. <p>However, since six of the top 10 countries in terms of students finding school boring are English-speaking, one could draw the conclusion that English-speaking people are easily bored, or that teachers in English-speaking countries are boring. <p>But a survey conducted by the U.K. Teacher Training Agency may hold the secret for that country, at least. Thirty percent of people entering the teaching profession are over 30. Nearly a quarter of the U.K.’s new math teachers who worked in a different profession before were either in banking or accountancy. One in six science teachers were either scientists or pharmacists. Fifteen percent of modern language teachers were previously in sales. (see,5500,1402391,00.html)
Interesting observations about Education > Student attitude > Find school boring
- All of the top 2 countries by student attitude > find school boring are Christian.
- United States ranked first for student attitude > find school boring amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2000.
- All of the bottom 17 countries by student attitude > find school boring are High income OECD.
- All of the top 2 countries by student attitude > find school boring are Cold countries'.
- All of the top 2 countries by student attitude > find school boring are Heavily indebted.
- All of the top 2 countries by student attitude > find school boring are English speaking .
- France ranked second last for student attitude > find school boring amongst Non-religious countries in 2000.
- 4 of the top 6 countries by student attitude > find school boring are Former British Colonies'.
- 11 of the bottom 13 countries by student attitude > find school boring are European.
- Ireland ranked first for student attitude > find school boring amongst European Union in 2000.