Education > Secondary school starting age > Years: Countries Compared
Secondary school starting age (years). Entrance age of 2A lower secondary is the age at which students would enter lower secondary education, assuming they had started at the official entrance age for the lowest level of education, had studied full-time throughout and had progressed through the system without repeating or skipping a grade.
Interesting observations about Education > Secondary school starting age > Years
- Zambia ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Christian countries in 2012.
- Ireland ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Europe in 2012.
- Guinea ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Muslim countries in 2012.
- Tanzania ranked second for secondary school starting age > years amongst Hot countries in 2012.
- Guatemala ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Catholic countries in 2012.
- South Africa ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Emerging markets in 2012.
- Namibia ranked second for secondary school starting age > years globally in 2012.
- Zimbabwe ranked second for secondary school starting age > years amongst Heavily indebted countries in 2012.
- Israel ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst Middle Eastern and North Africa in 2012.
- Papua New Guinea ranked first for secondary school starting age > years amongst East Asia and Pacific in 2012.