Education > Scientific literacy: Countries Compared
The OECD <a href=>PISA</a> (Program for International Student
Assessment.) is an ongoing program assessing 15 year old students in 30 OECD acountries as
well as some non-OECD countries. The assessments in <a
href=/graph/edu_rea_lit>reading</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_mat_lit>mathematical</a> and
scientific literacy are repeated on a three yearly cycle.</p>
<p>Scientific literacy questions are contextualised and designed to test the scientific
knowledge and skills which are essential for full participation in society.</p>
<p>For information of the comparitive aptitude in science at other grade levels refer to
TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_4>grade
4</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_8>grade 8</a> and <a
href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_12>grade 12</a>.
Assessment.) is an ongoing program assessing 15 year old students in 30 OECD acountries as
well as some non-OECD countries. The assessments in <a
href=/graph/edu_rea_lit>reading</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_mat_lit>mathematical</a> and
scientific literacy are repeated on a three yearly cycle.</p>
<p>Scientific literacy questions are contextualised and designed to test the scientific
knowledge and skills which are essential for full participation in society.</p>
<p>For information of the comparitive aptitude in science at other grade levels refer to
TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_4>grade
4</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_8>grade 8</a> and <a
href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_12>grade 12</a>.
Assessment.) is an ongoing program assessing 15 year old students in 30 OECD acountries as
well as some non-OECD countries. The assessments in <a
href=/graph/edu_rea_lit>reading</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_mat_lit>mathematical</a> and
scientific literacy are repeated on a three yearly cycle.</p>
<p>Scientific literacy questions are contextualised and designed to test the scientific
knowledge and skills which are essential for full participation in society.</p>
<p>For information of the comparitive aptitude in science at other grade levels refer to
TIMSS (Trends in Mathematics and Science Study) <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_4>grade
4</a>, <a href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_8>grade 8</a> and <a
href=/graph/edu_sci_app_gra_12>grade 12</a>.