Education > Schools connected to the Internet: Countries Compared
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Schools connected to the Internet are the share of primary and secondary schools in the country that have access to the Internet.
Interesting observations about Education > Schools connected to the Internet
- 31 of the top 44 countries by schools connected to the internet are Christian.
- United States ranked first for schools connected to the internet amongst Group of 7 countries (G7) in 2006.
- 23 of the top 27 countries by schools connected to the internet are High income OECD.
- 24 of the top 33 countries by schools connected to the internet are European.
- 2 of the top 3 countries by schools connected to the internet are East Asian and Pacific.
- 5 of the top 7 countries by schools connected to the internet are Tourist destination.
- 22 of the top 33 countries by schools connected to the internet are European Union.
- 14 of the top 22 countries by schools connected to the internet are Cold countries'.
- Iceland has ranked in the top 2 for schools connected to the internet since 2002.
- 19 of the top 32 countries by schools connected to the internet are Heavily indebted.