Education > Elementary (primary school) > Starting age: Countries Compared
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Interesting observations about Education > Elementary (primary school) > Starting age
- Holy See (Vatican City) has ranked last for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Namibia has ranked in the top 2 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1999.
- North Korea has ranked in the top 2 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 2005.
- Kyrgyzstan has ranked in the top 5 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Poland has ranked in the top 6 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Kazakhstan has ranked in the top 7 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Zambia has ranked in the top 8 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Switzerland has ranked in the top 12 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Burundi has ranked in the top 11 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.
- Brazil has ranked in the top 16 for elementary (primary school) > starting age since 1975.