Crime > Total crimes: Group totals
At first glance, the United States appears to stand out in this statistic, having four times as many crimes as Germany which is next on the list. However this is misleading as the population of the United States is about four times as high as the population of Germany. As a country with a high population is likely to have more crime (there are more people to commit crimes), this statistic should br viewed <a href=/graph/cri_tot_cri_cap>per capita</a>. In per capita ranking, the United States falls to number 8, between the United Kingdom (No. 6)and Germany(No. 12).</p>
<p>Willingness to report crime and confidence in the police and legal system influence the rate of reported crime. Over half of U.S citizens feel that they can <a href=/graph/cri_rep_to_pol>report crime</a> to the police, and 73% have confidence in the <a href=/graph/lif_con_in_soc_ins_pol&int=-1>police</a> and the <a href=>legal system</a>. In addition to this, the United States has the highest ranking for belief in <a href=>police efficiency</a> with 89% of respondents stating that the police do a good job in controlling crime in their area.</p>
<p>Willingness to report crime and confidence in the police and legal system influence the rate of reported crime. Over half of U.S citizens feel that they can <a href=/graph/cri_rep_to_pol>report crime</a> to the police, and 73% have confidence in the <a href=/graph/lif_con_in_soc_ins_pol&int=-1>police</a> and the <a href=>legal system</a>. In addition to this, the United States has the highest ranking for belief in <a href=>police efficiency</a> with 89% of respondents stating that the police do a good job in controlling crime in their area.</p>