Agriculture > Arable and permanent cropland: Group totals
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- Arable and permanent cropland
- Group Totals

Author: Suchita Vemuri, Staff Editor
Nations with the largest cultivated acreage under crops are not any longer primarily agricultural countries, with economies dependent on agricultural activity. It’s a tribute to technology that agriculture in the USA, which has the highest cultivated acreage, contributes only 2% to the country’s GDP. The proportionate <a href=>contribution of agriculture to the GDP</a> is higher in the poorer, underdeveloped countries.
While the <a href=>value-add in agriculture</a> arises from several factors, ranging from labor and mechanical technology to irrigation and biotechnology, it’s interesting that countries where labor comprises the largest input, show the maximum value-addition in agriculture.
While the <a href=>value-add in agriculture</a> arises from several factors, ranging from labor and mechanical technology to irrigation and biotechnology, it’s interesting that countries where labor comprises the largest input, show the maximum value-addition in agriculture.