Switzerland Food and drink Stats
- Alcohol > Consumption > Current: Alcohol consumption - Litres per capita by population aged above 15. (Data for 2003).
- Beer > Consumption: Litres of beer consumed per person per year (2002).
- Big Mac nutritional values > Carbohydrates: Grams of carbohydrates in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website in each country.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Energy: Amount of kilocalories in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each county.
Big Mac nutritional values > Fat:
Grams of fat in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Big Mac nutritional values > Protein: Grams of protein in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
Big Mac nutritional values > Salt equivalent:
Milligrams of salt in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Bottled water > Consumption: Consumption of bottled water. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Coffee > Consumption: Kilograms of coffee consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Exports: Food comprises the commodities in SITC sections 0 (food and live animals), 1 (beverages and tobacco), and 4 (animal and vegetable oils and fats) and SITC division 22 (oil seeds, oil nuts, and oil kernels)."
- Fruit juice > Consumption: Consumption of fruit juices. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Soft drink > Consumption: Consumption of carbonated soft drinks. Litres per person per year, 2002.
- Tea > Consumption: Kilograms of tea consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Total spirit > Consumption: Litres of spirits consumed per person per year, 2002.
- Wine > Consumption: Litres of wine consumed per person per year (2002).
SOURCES: OECD Health Data 2005; Global Market Information Database, published by Euromonitor; Wikipedia>Big Mac; Wikipedia>Big Mac ; Wikipedia> Big Mac; World Bank staff estimates from the Comtrade database maintained by the United Nations Statistics Division.
Switzerland Lifestyle > Food and drink Profiles (Subcategories)
Alcohol 6 | Big Mac nutritional values 6 |