Maldives Background Stats
Neighboring countries and territories:
- Independence day date: Date.
- Land border length: The length of each country's land border. Islands are listed as having a 0.0 km.
- National anthems: National anthem.
National tree:
Name of tree.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Number of maritime boundary neighbours: Number of states and territories with which each country shares a maritime border. Two countries separated from each other by a body of water have a maritime border with each other.
SOURCES: Wikipedia: List of national independence days (List); Wikipedia: List of countries and territories by land borders (Land borders) (Note: land border lengths will vary depending on the scale by which they are measured, and therefore these figures without a source accompanied by an explanation of how they were measured and at what scale makes comparisons impossible; for more information see coastline paradox .); Wikipedia: List of national anthems (Anthems of United Nations member states) ("List of Member States" . United Nations . Retrieved 2011-07-21 .); Wikipedia: List of national trees (National trees); Wikipedia: List of countries and territories by land and maritime borders