Italy Road Stats
Expressway length:
Expressway length (km).
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Length of motorways per capita: Kilometers of motorways per million residents.
Motor vehicles per 1000 people:
Motor vehicles per 1000 people.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Motorway density: Meters of motorway per square kilometer.
- Motorway length: Total network length of all motorways in km.
- Motorway length per capita: Length of motorways per capita (mm).
- Public road per capita: Length of public roads per capita (m).
- Radar detector legality: Legality.
- Road density: Road density (m of road per square km).
- Traffic laws > Fire extinguisher required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a fire extinguisher to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > First aid required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a first aid kit to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Minimum driver's age: Indicates for European countries the age under which driving is not permitted.
- Traffic laws > Minimum passenger age for front seat: Indicates for European countries the age under which a passenger may not be seated on the front seat while driving.
- Traffic laws > Permitted alcohol level: Indicates for European countries the limit of blood alcohol content (in %), above which driving is not permitted.
- Traffic laws > Seatbelt required: Indicates for European countries whether (and on which seats) it is mandatory to wear seatbelts while driving.
- Traffic laws > Spare bulb required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a spare light bulb to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at dual carriageway: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) on dual carriageways in European countries. A dual carriageway road or divided highway is one where the lanes for traffic in opposing directions are separate, usually divided by a barrier and a strip of grass or other plants.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at motorway: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) on motorways, freeways or highways in European countries.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at single carriageway: Indicates the speed limit (in km/ h) on single carriageways in European countries. A single carriageway road or undivided highway is one where the lanes for traffic in opposing directions are not separate, usually divided only by lines.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at urban area: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) in urban areas in European countries.
- Traffic laws > Toll roads: Indicates for European countries whether toll roads exist. Toll roads are publically or privately owned roads for which a fee must be paid to be allowed to use them.
- Traffic laws > Tow rope required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a tow rope to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Triangle required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a triangular safety reflector to be available in each car.
SOURCES: Wikipedia: List of countries by road network size;, Roadways.; Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita; Wikipedia: List of OECD countries by road network size (Motorway network) ("Selected year 2006 road traffic data" . OECD International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD).); Wikipedia: Radar detector (Legality) ("Radar Speed Trap Warning Apparatus (Licence)" . Hansard . 1967-03-02 . Retrieved 2010-04-25 . "a pocket-sized instrument is being produced by Marchant House Limited of New Street, Oadby, Leicester, to be used in motor vehicles to give instant warning of a police radar speed trap ... Anyone wishing to use this type of apparatus would require a licence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949. The firm in question has recently been informed that I am not prepared to issue a licence for such purposes"); Wikipedia: Comparison of European traffic laws (General)
Did you know
- In Germany and Italy, every second person owns a car.
Italy Transport > Road Profiles (Subcategories)
Traffic laws 14 |