Hong Kong Lifestyle Stats
- Food and drink > Big Mac nutritional values > Carbohydrates: Grams of carbohydrates in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website in each country.
- Food and drink > Big Mac nutritional values > Energy: Amount of kilocalories in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each county.
Food and drink > Big Mac nutritional values > Fat:
Grams of fat in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Food and drink > Big Mac nutritional values > Protein: Grams of protein in a McDonald's Big Mac in each country. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
Food and drink > Big Mac nutritional values > Salt equivalent:
Milligrams of salt in a McDonald's Big Mac in each county. Results are from the McDonald's website for each country.
- Food and drink > Coffee > Consumption per capita: Annual per capita consumption of coffee in kg around the world. Otherwise mentioned, figures are the year 2008.
- Food and drink > Pork > Consumption per capita: Measures taken in 1997 and based on carcass weight. Selected Nations only.
- Quality of life index: Quality of Life Index is an estimation of overall quality of life by using empirical formula (the formula is an our opinion and it's based on experiments). The actual formula might be changed. Currently, we put the highest weight to pollution - if the environment is polluted too much, the economy or safety cannot fulfill it. We put the second highest importance to safety, since it is more important to feel safe rather than wealthy, in our opinion. etc. The number 65 is added so that the numbers are in such range so it rarely goes under zero (65 is a range modifier).
SOURCES: Wikipedia>Big Mac; Wikipedia>Big Mac ; Wikipedia> Big Mac; World Resource Institute: Countries by coffee consumption per capita; USDA Census of Agriculture; quality of life
Hong Kong Lifestyle Profiles (Subcategories)
Food and drink 9 |