Belgian Road Stats
Expressway length:
Expressway length (km).
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Length of motorways per capita: Kilometers of motorways per million residents.
Motor vehicles per 1000 people:
Motor vehicles per 1000 people.
No date was available from the Wikipedia article, so we used the date of retrieval.
- Motorway density: Meters of motorway per square kilometer.
- Motorway length: Total network length of all motorways in km.
- Motorway length per capita: Length of motorways per capita (mm).
- Public road per capita: Length of public roads per capita (m).
- Radar detector legality: Legality.
- Road density: Road density (m of road per square km).
- Road fatalities per 1 billion km driven: Compares countries measuring the number of people killed in a year per billion of vehicles circulating through a kilometer of road, including all types of roads. The figures correspond to the year 2010, and were taken from the International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD). This database is kept by the OECD.
- Traffic laws > Fire extinguisher required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a fire extinguisher to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > First aid required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a first aid kit to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Minimum driver's age: Indicates for European countries the age under which driving is not permitted.
- Traffic laws > Minimum passenger age for front seat: Indicates for European countries the age under which a passenger may not be seated on the front seat while driving.
- Traffic laws > Permitted alcohol level: Indicates for European countries the limit of blood alcohol content (in %), above which driving is not permitted.
- Traffic laws > Seatbelt required: Indicates for European countries whether (and on which seats) it is mandatory to wear seatbelts while driving.
- Traffic laws > Spare bulb required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a spare light bulb to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at dual carriageway: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) on dual carriageways in European countries. A dual carriageway road or divided highway is one where the lanes for traffic in opposing directions are separate, usually divided by a barrier and a strip of grass or other plants.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at motorway: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) on motorways, freeways or highways in European countries.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at single carriageway: Indicates the speed limit (in km/ h) on single carriageways in European countries. A single carriageway road or undivided highway is one where the lanes for traffic in opposing directions are not separate, usually divided only by lines.
- Traffic laws > Speed limit at urban area: Indicates the speed limit (in km / h) in urban areas in European countries.
- Traffic laws > Toll roads: Indicates for European countries whether toll roads exist. Toll roads are publically or privately owned roads for which a fee must be paid to be allowed to use them.
- Traffic laws > Tow rope required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a tow rope to be available in each car.
- Traffic laws > Triangle required: Indicates for European countries whether the law requires a triangular safety reflector to be available in each car.
SOURCES: Wikipedia: List of countries by road network size;, Roadways.; Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita; Wikipedia: List of OECD countries by road network size (Motorway network) ("Selected year 2006 road traffic data" . OECD International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD).); Wikipedia: Radar detector (Legality) ("Radar Speed Trap Warning Apparatus (Licence)" . Hansard . 1967-03-02 . Retrieved 2010-04-25 . "a pocket-sized instrument is being produced by Marchant House Limited of New Street, Oadby, Leicester, to be used in motor vehicles to give instant warning of a police radar speed trap ... Anyone wishing to use this type of apparatus would require a licence under the Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1949. The firm in question has recently been informed that I am not prepared to issue a licence for such purposes"); Wikipedia: Autobahn (Safety: international comparison) ( (December 2012). "International Traffic and Accident Data: Selected Risk Values for the Year 2010" (PDF). Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (Federal Highway Research Institute) . Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen . Retrieved 2013-09-10.; Wikipedia: Comparison of European traffic laws (General)
Belgium Transport > Road Profiles (Subcategories)
Traffic laws 14 |