NATO countries: Language stats
- Romani > Gypsy language > % of Romani who speak Romani: Percentage of Romani population that speak Romani in different countries around the world. Figures are for 2000.
- Romani > Romani speaking Roma population > 2000: in Europe according to Bakker et al.
- Romani > Romani speaking Roma population > 2000 per 1000: in Europe according to Bakker et al. Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
- Romani > Romani speaking Roma population from total Roma population > 2000: in Europe according to Bakker et al.
- Romani language > Gypsy > Speakers: Number of Romani speakers in different countries around the world. Figures are for 2000.
- Romani language > Gypsy > Speakers per 1000: Number of Romani speakers in different countries around the world. Figures are for 2000. Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
- Spanish speakers per 1000: . Figures expressed per thousand population for the same year.
Facts and figures about NATO countries
NATO Agriculture 262 | NATO Government 144 | NATO Military 138 |
NATO Crime 118 | NATO Health 301 | NATO People 550 |
NATO Disasters 30 | NATO Import 1 | NATO Religion 19 |
NATO Economy 3379 | NATO Industry 84 | NATO Sports 257 |
NATO Education 494 | NATO Labor 298 | NATO Terrorism 24 |
NATO Energy 2318 | NATO Language 8 | NATO Transport 341 |
NATO Environment 212 | NATO Lifestyle 100 | |
NATO Geography 52 | NATO Media 231 |