Eurozone Compared by Terrorism > Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio
Number of deaths per terrorist act for the period 1968-2006. NOTE: Germany incudes both East and West, as well as united Germany. Ratio for Chechnya is 1.59; Ratio for Kashmir is 1.54; Ratio for Northern Ireland is .103. West Bank includes Gaza Strip.
Interesting observations about Terrorism > Terrorist Acts > 1968-2006 > Deaths to incidences ratio
- United Kingdom ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst European Union in 2006.
- Canada ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst High income OECD countries in 2006.
- Chad ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Muslim countries in 2006.
- Barbados ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Christian countries in 2006.
- Malaysia ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Emerging markets in 2006.
- Russia ranked second for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Europe in 2006.
- United States ranked second for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Cold countries in 2006.
- Kenya ranked second for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Hot countries in 2006.
- Netherlands ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Eurozone in 2006.
- Philippines ranked first for terrorist acts > 1968-2006 > deaths to incidences ratio amongst Former Spanish colonies in 2006.