
Compare key data on Lebanon & Palestine


STAT Lebanon Palestine HISTORY
Crime > Justice system > Punishment > Capital punishment (last execution year) 2,004
Ranked 28th.
Ranked 9th. About the same as Lebanon
Crime > Rape rate 0.5
Ranked 92nd.
Ranked 66th. 6 times more than Lebanon

Crime > Violent crime > Gun crime > Guns per 100 residents 21
Ranked 27th. 6 times more than Palestine
Ranked 112th.
Crime > Violent crime > Murder rate 95
Ranked 59th.
Ranked 72nd. 53% more than Lebanon

Crime > Violent crime > Murders 95
Ranked 59th.
Ranked 72nd. 53% more than Lebanon

Crime > Violent crime > Rapes 19
Ranked 91st.
Ranked 68th. 6 times more than Lebanon

Education > Compulsary education duration 9
Ranked 71st.
Ranked 45th. 11% more than Lebanon

Health > Births and maternity > Total fertility rate 1.82%
Ranked 179th.
Ranked 62nd. 5% more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Median age 51.41 years
Ranked 10th. 23% more than Palestine
41.77 years
Ranked 146th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-14 13.51%
Ranked 184th.
Ranked 48th. 29% more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-24 > Percent 9.45%
Ranked 187th.
Ranked 51st. 27% more than Lebanon

People > Gender > Female population 2.07 million
Ranked 128th.
6.34 million
Ranked 91st. 3 times more than Lebanon

People > Population > Population growth, past and future -0.536
Ranked 221st.
Ranked 37th.

People > Population growth -0.536%
Ranked 221st.
Ranked 37th.

Transport > Road > Motor vehicles per 1000 people 434
Ranked 41st. 10 times more than Palestine
Ranked 132nd.
People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-14 > Total 555,856
Ranked 135th.
2.23 million
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

Agriculture > Rural population 6,131
Ranked 199th.
Ranked 141st. 4 times more than Lebanon

Environment > Ecological footprint 3.19
Ranked 52nd. 2 times more than Palestine
Ranked 37th.
People > Age distribution > Total dependency ratio 94.86%
Ranked 7th. 45% more than Palestine
Ranked 129th.

Agriculture > Agricultural growth 103
Ranked 124th.
Ranked 75th. 12% more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-24 > Total 388,758
Ranked 134th.
1.54 million
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 60 or over > Percent 40.64%
Ranked 8th. 46% more than Palestine
Ranked 138th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-64 > Total 2.11 million
Ranked 130th.
7.79 million
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-4 > Total 180,894
Ranked 135th.
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

Education > College and university > Gender parity index 1.15
Ranked 47th.
Ranked 26th. 20% more than Lebanon

Health > Births and maternity > Future births 36.26
Ranked 135th.
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-59 45.85%
Ranked 190th.
Ranked 65th. 20% more than Lebanon

Health > Births and maternity > Average age of mother at childbirth 29.3
Ranked 11th. 1% more than Palestine
Ranked 11th.

Military > Paramilitary personnel 20,000
Ranked 39th.
Ranked 24th. 3 times more than Lebanon
People > Urban and rural > Population living in cities proper 361,366
Ranked 49th.
1.1 million
Ranked 36th. 3 times more than Lebanon
Culture > Happy Planet Index 33.6
Ranked 110th.
Ranked 31st. 52% more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 65 or over > Percent 35.17%
Ranked 7th. 59% more than Palestine
Ranked 134th.

People > Gender > Male population 2.05 million
Ranked 127th.
6.53 million
Ranked 90th. 3 times more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Population aged 60 or over > Total 1.67 million
Ranked 121st.
3.58 million
Ranked 94th. 2 times more than Lebanon

Religion > Christian > Orthodox > Orthodox population 851,000
Ranked 19th. 7 times more than Palestine
Ranked 35th.
Industry > Gross value added by construction 6.04 billion
Ranked 57th. 8 times more than Palestine
750.32 million
Ranked 122nd.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-64 51.32%
Ranked 190th.
Ranked 68th. 18% more than Lebanon

People > Age distribution > Elderly dependency ratio 68.53%
Ranked 7th. 88% more than Palestine
Ranked 133th.

Agriculture > Agricultural growth per capita 95 Int. $
Ranked 123th. 6% more than Palestine
90 Int. $
Ranked 158th.

Economy > Development > Human Development Index 0.745
Ranked 73th. 11% more than Palestine
Ranked 110th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 0-4 > Percent 4.4%
Ranked 184th.
Ranked 49th. 30% more than Lebanon

People > Marriage, divorce and children > Total divorces 6,498
Ranked 27th. 6% more than Palestine
Ranked 48th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 65 or over > Total 1.45 million
Ranked 121st.
2.85 million
Ranked 96th. 97% more than Lebanon

Religion > Christianity > Percent Christian 41%
Ranked 6th. 14 times more than Palestine
Ranked 31st.
People > Age distribution > Population aged 15-59 > Total 1.89 million
Ranked 130th.
7.05 million
Ranked 89th. 4 times more than Lebanon

Industry > Gross value added by manufacturing 3.16 billion
Ranked 91st. 3 times more than Palestine
1.11 billion
Ranked 123th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 80 or over > Total 693,464
Ranked 112th.
Ranked 98th. 34% more than Lebanon

People > Cities > Urban population 93,869
Ranked 25th. 22% more than Palestine
Ranked 83th.

Religion > Secularism and atheism > Population considering religion unimportant 10%
Ranked 87th. 67% more than Palestine
Ranked 105th.
Culture > World Heritage Sites 5
Ranked 49th. 5 times more than Palestine
Ranked 140th.
Conflict > Civil war and unrest > Arab Spring death toll 0.0
Ranked 16th.
Ranked 17th.
People > Age distribution > Population aged 5-14 > Percent 9.11%
Ranked 184th.
Ranked 47th. 28% more than Lebanon

Background > National tree Lebanon Cedar Olive
People > Marriage, divorce and children > Marriages 38,691
Ranked 18th. 7% more than Palestine
Ranked 40th.

People > Age distribution > Population aged 80 or over > Percent 16.85%
Ranked 11th. 2 times more than Palestine
Ranked 133th.

Education > Child care (preschool) > Duration 3
Ranked 92nd. 50% more than Palestine
Ranked 189th.

Transport > Gross value added by transport, storage and communication 2.63 billion
Ranked 91st. 3 times more than Palestine
825.49 million
Ranked 124th.

Health > Births and maternity > Infant mortality rate 8
Ranked 139th.
Ranked 84th. 2 times more than Lebanon

Environment > Proportion of land area under protection 0.586%
Ranked 205th. 3 times more than Palestine
Ranked 213th.

Education > College and university > Private school share 59.87%
Ranked 6th.
Ranked 3rd. 44% more than Lebanon

Language > Linguistic diversity index 0.161
Ranked 146th.
Ranked 136th. 29% more than Lebanon

SOURCES: Wikipedia: Capital punishment in Europe (Abolition); UN Crime Stats; Annexe I of the Small Arms Survey 2007 ; United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. Source tables; Statistics : Crime : Sexual Violence (UNODC) and Crime Statistics : Sexual Violence Against Children and Rape, United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by vehicles per capita; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Living Planet Report 2000, Gland, Switzerland: 2000, and Redefining Progress.; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2001; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of countries by number of military and paramilitary personnel (The list); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; http://www.happyplanetindex.org/data/; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=FAO&f=itemCode%3a2051, Agriculture (PIN) +; United Nations Development Programme. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country#Sovereign_states; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: Importance of religion by country (Countries); Wikipedia: Table of World Heritage Sites by country (Table of World Heritage Sites); Wikipedia: Arab Spring (Summary of conflicts by country); United Nations Population Division. Source tables; Wikipedia: List of national trees (National trees); United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Population Division. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; United Nations Statistics Division. Source tables; UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Source tables; Wikipedia: Linguistic diversity index (Rankings by country) (UNESCO World Report – Investing in Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue)


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