United Kingdom - Hospitality Employment

Since 2014, United Kingdom Hospitality Employment increased 5% year on year. In 2019, the country was ranked number 4 comparing other countries in Hospitality Employment at 351,366.21 Employees. United Kingdom is overtaken by Spain, which was ranked number 3 with 414,118 Employees and is followed by Turkey with 334,444.8 Employees. United States ranked the highest with 1,543,467 Employees in 2019, that is a growth of 0.4% versus 2018. Iceland recorded the best 5 years average growth at +10.6% per year, while Romania recorded the worst performance at -2.2% per year.


Date Units (Employees)
2019 351,366.21
2018 347,062.63
2017 379,856.79
2016 249,210.98
2015 288,703.86
Download all data from 2008 to 2019

How does United Kingdom rank in Hospitality Employment?

# 34 Countries Units (Employees) Last YoY 5‑years CAGR
1 #1
United States
1,543,467 2019 +0.4 % +1.5 % View data
2 #2
493,130 2019 +1.3 % +4.3 % View data
3 #3
414,118 2019 +1.2 % +5.2 % View data
4 #4
United Kingdom
351,366 2019 +1.2 % +5.0 % View data
5 #5
334,445 2019 -2.8 % +5.1 % View data
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