Saudi Arabia - Practicing Physicians Density
Since 2014, Saudi Arabia Practicing Physicians Density grew 0.5% year on year. With 2.63 Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons in 2019, the country was ranked number 59 comparing other countries in Practicing Physicians Density. Saudi Arabia is overtaken by United States, which was number 58 at 2.64 Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons and is followed by Canada with 2.62 Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons. Cuba topped the ranking with 8.55 Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons in 2019, that is +1.5% versus 2018. Georgia, Monaco and San Marino respectively ranked number 2, 3 and 4 in this ranking. Bolivia witnessed the best average annual growth at +27.8% per year, while Tanzania was the worst growing country at -16.8% per year.
Date | Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons |
2019 | 2.63 |
2018 | 2.61 |
2017 | 2.54 |
2016 | 2.38 |
2015 |
How does Saudi Arabia rank in Practicing Physicians Density?
# | 171 Countries | Units (Persons) Per Thousand Persons | Last | YoY | 5‑years CAGR | ||
1 |
9 | 2019 | +1.5 % | +2.5 % | View data | |
2 |
7 | 2019 | -0.7 % | +8.2 % | View data | |
58 |
United States
3 | 2019 | +0.6 % | +0.5 % | View data | |
59 |
Saudi Arabia
3 | 2019 | +0.8 % | +0.5 % | View data | |
60 |
3 | 2019 | +1.4 % | +1.0 % | View data |