Global Trends, Statistics and Insights for Fuel Trade

  1. In 2019, Land Transport Fuel Trade Balance in Latvia jumped by 3.8% compared to a year earlier.
  2. Since 2014 Romania Number of High Growth Enterprises in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores jumped by 19.1% year on year to 24 Enterprises.
  3. In 2019 Romania was ranked number 1 in Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores.

Other Data (7 results)

Deflated Turnover Index of Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
32 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Turnover Index of Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores Sector
31 countries compared Indexes 2015 = 100 Annual until 2020
Land Transport Fuel Trade Balance
20 countries compared Metric Tons Per Capita Annual until 2019
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores
10 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores
10 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores
7 countries compared Percent Annual until 2019
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Automotive Fuel Retail in Specialised Stores
7 countries compared Units (Enterprises) Annual until 2019
Show 3 additional results

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