Contribution to GDP of Construction
207 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Value Added - Source UN Stats
207 countries compared |
US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Industry Value Added (Including Construction)
193 countries compared |
Percent of GDP |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Time Needed to Deal with Construction Permits
187 countries compared |
Days |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Construction Permit Procedures
183 countries compared |
Units |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Medium and High-Tech Industry Value Added (Including Construction)
147 countries compared |
Percent of Manufacturing Value Added |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Number of Scientific Publications in Building and Construction
60 countries compared |
Units (Publications) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Corresponding/Leading Author in Scientific Publications in Building and Construction
60 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Scientific Publications Involving International Collaboration in Building and Construction
60 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Number of 10% Top-Cited Scientific Publications in Building and Construction
59 countries compared |
Units (Publications) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Scientific Publications Among the World's 10% Top-Cited Publications in Building and Construction
59 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
EU Construction Gross Value Added
55 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Construction Value Added - Source OECD
43 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Real Value Added
40 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Industrial Production
39 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Employment
39 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Industry (with Construction) Employment
37 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Construction Price Index
37 countries compared |
Indexes EU-28 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Nominal Expenditure
37 countries compared |
Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Nominal Expenditure Per Capita
37 countries compared |
Euros Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Contribution to Gross Value Added Growth
36 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Gross Value Added Growth Rate
36 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
All Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
34 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Number of Persons Employed of Specialised Construction
34 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Multi Dwellings Units Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
34 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Per Employee of Specialised Construction
34 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Specialised Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction
34 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Specialised Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
34 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Buildings Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction
34 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Non-Residential Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
34 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
House Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
34 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction
34 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Buildings Construction
34 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Specialised Construction
34 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Buildings Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Construction
34 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Buildings Construction
33 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Buildings Construction
33 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
33 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
33 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Inward FDI Stocks
33 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Residential Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
32 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Specialised Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Buildings Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Office Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
32 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Specialised Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Buildings Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Internal R&D Personnel in Construction
32 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from All Environmental Taxes in Construction
32 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Outward FDI Stocks
32 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction
32 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
31 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Wages and Salaries
31 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Roads and Motorways
31 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Community Residences Building Permits (as Square Meter of Useful Floor Area) Index
30 countries compared |
Indexes 2015 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2020 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Water Projects
30 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fatal Accidents at Work in Construction
30 countries compared |
Units (Accidents) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Inward FDI Flows
30 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Researchers in Construction
30 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Construction of Water Projects
30 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fatal Accidents at Work in Buildings Construction
30 countries compared |
Units (Accidents) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Water Projects
30 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
29 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Water Projects
29 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
29 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Water Projects
29 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fatal Accidents at Work in Specialised Construction
29 countries compared |
Units (Accidents) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Roads and Motorways
29 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
29 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
29 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Roads and Motorways
28 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Roads and Motorways
28 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
28 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed in Construction
28 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Enterprises of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
28 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Outward FDI Flows
28 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Water Projects
27 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction FDI Income Receipts
27 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Number of Enterprises
27 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Water Projects
27 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Total Hours Worked in Construction
26 countries compared |
Million Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Pollution in Construction
26 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
26 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Roads and Motorways
26 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
26 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Persons Employed of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
26 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
26 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Roads and Motorways
26 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Self-Employed Persons in Construction
26 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction
25 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Specialised Construction
25 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Employees in Construction
25 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Persons) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
25 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Buildings Construction
25 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
24 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
24 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Roads and Motorways
23 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Revenue of Service Activities in Construction
23 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
23 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Turnover Per Employee of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
23 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
23 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
23 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Water Projects
23 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Revenue of Service Activities in Specialised Construction
23 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Wages and Salaries of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
23 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Revenue of Service Activities in Buildings Construction
23 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
22 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Labour Cost Per Employee FTE of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
22 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
21 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction
21 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Specialised Construction
21 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Buildings Construction
21 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Water Projects
19 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Roads and Motorways
19 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Utility Projects for Fluids
19 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Female Researchers in Construction
19 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
19 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Number of Persons Employed
19 countries compared |
Units (Employees) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Hours Worked of Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
18 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Project Management Services for Construction Projects Turnover in Engineering Activities and Related Technical Consultancy Sector
16 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Hours Worked
16 countries compared |
Hours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Heat Final Consumption in Construction
16 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Turnover
16 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Heat
16 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Bridges and Tunnels
15 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Construction Plasters Turnover Per Employee
15 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Environmentally Related Tax Revenue from Taxes on Resources in Construction
14 countries compared |
Million US Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Income from Sub-contracting in Construction of Railways and Underground Railways
14 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2017 |
Construction Plasters Wages and Salaries
13 countries compared |
Million Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Labour Cost Per Employee FTE
13 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Plasters Gross Value Added Per Employee FTE
13 countries compared |
Thousand Euros |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Business Expenditure on R&D in Construction
12 countries compared |
Euros Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in the Population of Active Enterprises in Construction
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Buildings Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Specialised Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Buildings Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Share of High Growth Enterprises in the Population of Active Enterprises in Construction
11 countries compared |
Percent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Construction of Residential and Non-residential Buildings
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of High Growth Enterprises in Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Number of Young High Growth Enterprises (Gazelles) in Specialised Construction
11 countries compared |
Units (Enterprises) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Groundwater Abstraction in Construction and Other Industriel Activities
11 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface and Groundwater Abstraction in Construction and Other Industriel Activities
10 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Ground Water Abstractions for Construction
9 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Freshwater Abstractions for Construction
8 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Employment in Construction
8 countries compared |
Thousand Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Female Internal R&D Personnel in Construction
8 countries compared |
Units (Full-Time Equivalent) |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface Water Abstraction in Construction and Other Industriel Activities
8 countries compared |
Cubic Meters Per Capita |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Fresh Surface Water Abstractions for Construction
6 countries compared |
Million Cubic Meters |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Nitrous Oxide Combustion from Construction
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Carbon Dioxide Combustion from Construction
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Methane Combustion from Construction
5 countries compared |
Metric Tons of CO2 Equivalent |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Cost Index
4 countries compared |
Indexes 2010 = 100 |
Annual |
until 2018 |
Non-Renewable Industrial Waste Final Consumption in Construction
4 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Non-Renewable Waste Final Consumption in Construction
4 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Waste
4 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Industrial Waste
4 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Renewable Municipal Waste
2 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Municipal Waste
2 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Biogases Final Consumption in Construction
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Renewable Municipal Waste Final Consumption in Construction
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Biogases
2 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Non-Renewable Municipal Waste Final Consumption in Construction
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Value Added of Construction
2 countries compared |
Million Australian Dollars |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Geothermal Power Final Consumption in Construction
2 countries compared |
Gigawatthours |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Construction Sector Final Consumption of Geothermal Power
2 countries compared |
Terajoules |
Annual |
until 2019 |
Show 172 additional results